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你,这粗俗不堪的蛆。You vulgar little maggot.

让我们不要用“蛆”这个词。Let's not use the word "maggot."

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爱国主义是他们脑袋里的蛆。Patriotism is a maggot in their heads.

蛆虫橘子”事件,究竟是谣言还是事实?Is the "Maggot Orange" a rumor or a fact?

事实上,蛆疗法由来已久。Maggot medicine, in fact, has a long history.

本研究以经过脱脂处理的蝇蛆为试验材料。The subject of this study was the defatted fly maggot.

我们的监禁率更高,那是因为我们不像你们那样处死每个人,你个白痴。Lmfao. Maggot. We have a high incarceration rate idiot because we do not execute everyone like you.

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目的探讨蛆虫疗法用于修复严重感染创面的应用体会。Objective To research the application of maggot therapeutics for repairing serious infective wound.

目的探讨蛆分泌物对大鼠糖尿病模型溃疡创面的愈合作用。Objective Investigate influence of treatment with maggot secretion on wound healing of diabetes ulcer.

结论蛆虫疗法是一种修复严重感染创面安全有效的生物扩创疗法。Conclusion Maggot therapeutics is an effective biological therapy for repairing serious infective wound.

其实,幼虫一开始是卵,但他至少纠正了德谟克利特的蜜蜂始于蛆的误导。They actually start out as eggs, but at least he corrects Democritus's misguided direction of maggot origins.

苍蝇把它们的卵注射到火蚁身上,苍蝇后来的蛆虫享用这些火蚁的头知道它们倒下。The phorid fly injects its eggs into the ants, and the subsequent maggot feasts on the ant's head until it explodes.

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第三个房间里,有成千上万人站在深及脚踝且布满蛆虫的遍地秽物中,都在喝着咖啡。In the third, thousands of people were standing ankle-deep in a room full of maggot infested garbage, all drinking coffee.

如果此事的处理跟“蛆橘事件”最初一样,悬而不决,那后果会很严重。If this matter's processing is at first same as "the maggot loose skinned orange event", suspensibility , that consequence can be very serious.

安迪有些看不下去。布鲁克斯掀开毛衣,把虫子喂给了依偎在内兜里的一只幼小的乌鸦。安迪终于松了一口气。Andy can't bear to watch. Brooks opens up his sweater and feeds the maggot to a baby crow nestled in an inside pocket. Andy breathes a sigh of relief.

于是眼中都是米黄或者乌黑的色彩,还有顽强不屈的蛆虫,一扭一扭的往上爬!The colour with pitch-black perhaps cream-colored is in the eye then, still have tenacious and castiron maggot worm, the upgrade of twist twist climbs!

目的建立运用酚-氯仿法结合磁珠法从蝇蛆嗉囊内提取人类DNA的方法,从而提高STR分型检验的灵敏度。Objective To establish an effective phenol-chloroform method coupled with paramagnetic particle method for human DNA extraction from maggot crop contents in STR genotyping.

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环丙氨嗪是一种高效的昆虫生长抑制剂类杀虫剂,广泛用于畜禽养殖业中作为饲料添加剂以控制动物厩舍内蝇蛆的生长发育。Cyromazine is a highly effective insect growth inhibitor pesticide, widely used in livestock and poultry industry as feed additive to control the maggot growth in animal stalls.

在拍摄喂乌鸦吃蛆这场戏时,AHA很是反对,他们认为,这样对蛆是残忍的,并且要求他们找一只由于自然原因死亡的蛆来拍摄。During the scene where he fed it a maggot, the AHA objected on the grounds that it was cruel to the maggot, and required that they use a maggot that had died from natural causes.

伤口清干净后,蛆的分泌物所含其他物质会有助肉芽组织生长,这种组织是伤口愈合过程中形成的结缔组织。The wounds are cleaned, and other substances contained in the maggot secretions allow the development of granulation tissue, a type of connective tissue that forms during wound healing.