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流水冲蚀出一条沟渠。The running water eroded a gully.

他们爬上了一条狭窄的山沟。They clambered up a narrow gully.

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彼得坐在那儿怔怔地望着远方的溪谷。Petey sat and looked out over the gully.

这带来了一个在山坡上的深的沟壑。That created a deep gully in the hillside.

这就是堆山者胸有丘壑。This is the chest the piled mountain gully.

你怎么把我带到山沟里来了?Why did you take me to this mountain gully ?

那激流顺山坡而下冲出一条水沟。The torrent scoured a gully down the hillside.

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就是我们今天学汉语的地方—果子沟。We're going to learn Chinese today, Fruit Gully.

我实在是太累了,我要回到原来的山沟沟去。I am really tired. I want to go back to my gully.

北部为黄土梁峁沟壑区。Liang result for the northern Loess gully region.

他脱下鞋子涉过了浅水沟。He take off his shoes and wade across the shallow gully.

他脱下鞋子涉过了浅水沟。He took off his shoes and wade across the shallow gully.

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夏天,溪水从山谷流进贝加尔湖。In summer the stream from the gully flows into the Baikal.

从这里可以看到两座大山之间有一条深壑。A deep gully between the two mountains can be seen from here.

沟壑是黄土高原的基本地貌形态之一。Gully is one of the basic landform configuration in loess plateau.

知识的小溪流沿着幽深而残破的山谷缓缓地流着。A little stream of knowledge tricked slowly through a deep worn gully.

大金牙吃惊极了,这小子哪山沟里冒出来的啊?Big gold tooth shocked pole, this boy which come out in gully come of?

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一条知识小溪从深壑幽谷中缓缓流过。A little stream of Knowledge trickled slowly through a deep worn gully.

冲涌出的沟壑深深浅浅的在你我的脸上肆意漫延。Poured out of a deep gully of red light at my face you wantonly spread.

这里呢就是我们今天学汉语的地方—果子沟。Here is the place where we're going to learn Chinese today, Fruit Gully.