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那违背了洪特定律。That would violate Pauli.

不要违反道德的准则。Don't violate moral codes.

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不要违反“金科玉律”Don’t violate the golden rules

是否侵犯了个人权利?Does it violate individual rights?

那很糟糕,你违背了洪特定律。Very bad. You violate the Hund Rule.

那么,我们又是怎样违背自己的道德准则的呢?So how we do violate our own moral code?

所有恩奎斯特的高大的故事也违反质量。All Orville's tall tales also violate quality.

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你要吃了我,就违抗了天帝的命令。Eating me, you will violate the command of Heaven.

他因犯伪造罪而被拘捕。He was arrested since he had violate forged crime.

今天你要是吃了我,就是违抗天帝的命啊!If you eat me today, you will violate GOD's order!

你要吃了我,就违抗了天帝的命令。By eating me, you will violate the command of Heaven.

他们从不背著纠察队做违纪的事。They never violate the rules behind the pickets' back.

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如果违反了法律,他们创立的政党将会被关闭。If they violate the law, their party will be shut down.

当审查规格时考虑一下违反它们的情况。Think of cases that violate them when reviewing the spec.

破戒,破佛所制的戒律。Violate the precepts, commandments broken Buddhas system.

违背交通规矩的人应该受到处分。those who violate traffic regulations should be punished.

枪声破坏了星期日早晨向来的宁静。The sound of guns violate the usual calm of Sunday mornin.

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对人不侵犯,侵犯别人,必将见弃于人。Don't violate people's rights, lest you be rejected by them.

这时候,我知道我不能再继续前进了,不能辜负他对我的信任。And I knew then I couldn't go on, couldn't violate his trust.

难道能容许他们随心所欲地破坏规章制度吗?Can they be allowed to violate rules and regulations at will?