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那如何解决由此带来的财政赤字呢?But what about tackling the deficit?

策略中都是基本的阻挡与抢断。It is all basic blocking and tackling.

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当前,教育部正在解决三个主要问题Today, the MoE is tackling three main issues

但在他看来,应对气候变化同样是当务之急。For him, tackling climate change is every bit as urgent.

规则并没有明确从背后阻截是犯规。The Laws do not specifically outlaw tackling from behind.

很多人都坐在格子里,完全依赖自己解决问题。Many programmers sit in cubes, tackling problems all on their own.

务实合作是战胜危机的有效途径。In tackling the crisis, practical cooperation is the effective way.

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如果你铲球的目标是对方队员,那你就会被吹一个犯规。If the object of your tackling is the other man, you may get a call.

沃纳太太迷恋图书,一开始读特罗洛普的小说就爱不释手。Mrs. Werner was passionate about books, tackling novels by Trollope.

中场的抢断和穿透性的出球是我们需要的。Tackling well and playing penetrating balls from midfield are vital.

这项表示你的球队在比赛时的拼抢强度。This indicates the harshness of your team's tackling within a match.

现在,他正致力于解决极端贫困、人口过剩和气候变化问题。Now he’s tackling extreme poverty, overpopulation and climate change.

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解决高死亡率的问题可以帮助改变贫穷落后状况。Tackling high death rates could help change poverty and backwardness.

在应对气候变化方面,集体行动才是唯一应对之策。In tackling climate change, collective action is the only way forward.

而处理垃圾的新方法也就是改变我们的行为方式。We need to look at new ways of tackling litter and changing behaviours.

不过,当谈到如何应对眼下不断萎缩的就业市场时,我被难住了。But when it came to tackling today's shrinking job market, I was stumped.

处理能源问题不能任意诉诸武力。Less should countries willfully resort to force in tackling energy issues.

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但迎面对付耐多药结核病是最近的的新想法。But the idea of tackling MDR-TB head-on has been a more recent development.

防治这些疾病实际上是解决贫穷和广大苦难的根源。Tackling these diseases is tackling a root cause of poverty and vast misery.

他们在处理典型问题时和经院派学究相差甚微。They deviated little from the scholastics in tackling the standard problems.