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尝试每一天保持有两份的摄入。Try to keep two servings per day.

这个汤是四人份的。There are four servings of this soup.

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这盘菜有多少份数呢?How many servings does this dish serve?

这份食谱是几人份的。How many servings does this recipe make?

本食谱为四人份。This recipe is enough for four servings.

要包含你所吃每一种食物的份数。Include all servings you eat of each food.

每天食用2到3份高纤维的事物。Eat 2-3 servings of high fibre foods daily.

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参阅相关研究证明并打印一份饮食分量指南。Read the proof and print a servings size guide.

每周吃两份鱼有益脑健康。For brain health, eat two servings of fish weekly.

食物金字塔指出,你必须每天吃4到6次水果。The food pyramid directs you to eat 4-6 servings of fruit each day.

每天把1-2份有利于心脏健康的坚果加入到你的饮食。Include 1 to 2 servings of heart-healthy nuts in your diet every day.

如果你用的是大的餐盘的话,你将冒吃过量的风险。If you use a too big plate you run the risk of eating too big servings.

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一袋貌似一人份的薯片可能会包括好几次的食用量。A bag of chips that looks individual may be listed as multiple servings.

打算一天吃五到九种,甚至十三中蔬果。Aim for five to nine or even 13 servings of fruits and vegetables a day.

另外,该网站还提供在线的订阅和投稿。In addition, this web provides on-line servings of subscibe and contribution.

设计出小份也能找到和谐味道的食谱。Recipes are designed to ensure that harmony is to be found in small servings.

给下面一盎司奶酪选择正确的钠含量。Match the following 1-ounce servings of cheese to their correct sodium counts.

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可以吃小份的健康脂肪类食物,如油性鱼类、坚果、种子类、牛油果。Choose small servings of healthy fats such as oily fish, nuts, seeds, avocados.

对于我们大多数人来说,一周吃两份鱼类食品不会产生任何问题。For most of us, eating two servings of fish a week should not pose any problems.

斯托尔建议多数病人每周吃一到两次鱼。For most patients, Stoll recommends one or two servings of the cooked fish a week.