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法兰克诗人和查理曼宫廷的高级教士。Frankish poet and prelate at the court of Charlemagne.

那法兰克大公悲痛地哭着看着自已的士兵被残杀。The Frankish duke wept bitterly to see his soldiers massacred.

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公元745年,Carantania失去独立,并处于法兰克王国的统治下。In 745, Carantania lost its independence, being subsumed into the Frankish empire.

正如穆斯林所看到的,一群法兰克野蛮人闯进来,无缘无故的袭击他们。As Muslims saw it, a swarm of Frankish savages had rushed in, unprovoked, upon them.

介于罗马隶农和新的农奴之间的是自由的法兰克农民。Between the roman colon-us and the new bondsman had stood the free frankish peasant.

克洛塔尔一世最终继承了所有法兰克人的王国。Chlothar I eventually inherited all of the Frankish kingdoms after the deaths of his brothers or their successors.

公元50年后成为一个罗马人定居地称为阿格丽品娜殖民地,5世纪时经历了法兰克人统治。It was a Roman settlement called Colonia Agrippina after a. d. 50 and passed under Frankish control in the5th century.

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在Frankish王国时期,小教堂的地板曾被铺上石板、大型马赛克磁砖、大理石块和砖头。During the period of the Frankish kingdom, the floor of the chapel was repaired with flagstones, large mosaic cubes, pieces of marble and brick.

法兰克王国在加洛林王朝的查理大帝时,国势极为强盛,以罗马帝国的正统自居,并得到教会的支持。Carolingian Frankish kingdom of Charlemagne, the national power is very strong, orthodox Roman Empire itself, and with the support of the church.

它受到法兰克十字军的影响,威尼斯和热那亚的商人们沿着贸易路线也把他们的影响带到了东方。It was influenced by cultural contacts with Frankish Crusaders and with Venetian and Genoese merchants passing it along trade routes to the East.

法兰克斧兵通常来自朝圣信徒或贫困职业士兵,雇佣费用极为低廉,因此成为财力不佳贵族们履行国家义务的首选。Frankish Axemen are usually drawn from pilgrims turned soldiers or from the poorer professional soldiers and hired by vassals unable to hire more expensive troops.

1100年的圣诞节,首位法兰克国王鲍德温一世在耶路撒冷加冕。也是在那一年,一个拉丁教职也在该城镇确立了。On Christmas Day 1100 Baldwin I, first king of the Frankish Kingdom of Jerusalem, was crowned in Bethlehem, and that year a Latin episcopate was also established in the town.