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什么是糖尿病?What is diabetes?

心脏病和糖尿病。Heart disease and diabetes.

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答案是否定的,单纯吃糖是不会导致糖尿病的。sugar doesn't cause diabetes.

不,吃糖并不会引发糖尿病。No, sugar doesn't cause diabetes.

预防和控制糖尿病。Prevention and control of diabetes.

按照医生的规定服用糖尿病药物。Take your diabetes meds as prescribed.

糖尿病是慢性终身性疾病。Diabetes Mellitus is a life-long illness.

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1型糖尿病是一种自体免疫疾病。Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease.

糖尿病的常见后果是什么?What are common consequences of diabetes?

几乎每个人都知道有人得了糖尿病。Almost everyone knows someone who has diabetes.

糖尿病和哮喘随处都在增加。Diabetes and asthma are on the rise everywhere.

糖尿现人应少吃或不吃水果。Diabetes is people should eat or not eat fruit.

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其他许多降糖药也有类似情况。This is true of many other diabetes pills, too.

新发2型糖尿病患者应如何饮食与运动?Diet and exercise for new-onset type 2 diabetes?

而糖尿病患者的血小板则更为粘着。In diabetes patients, platelets are more sticky.

美国疾病防控中心糖尿病部主任安·奥布莱特说,目前,每10个美国人就有一个患II型糖尿病的。Currently, 1 in 10 Americans has Type 2 diabetes.

中草药治疗糖尿病有效吗?Are there any useful herbal remedies for diabetes?

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胰岛素调节障碍也是糖尿病的一部分。Insulin dysregulation is part of diabetes as well.

南瓜子仁—促进消化,防治糖尿病。Pumpkin seeds help digestion and prevent diabetes.

糖尿病是无症状脑梗死的危险因素之一。Diabetes is one of the significant factors for SCI.