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他出生于1931年卡拉科尔柯尔克孜镇。He was born 1931 in the Kirghiz town Karakol.

它被认为是有40柯尔克孜族部落。It is considered that there are 40 Kirghiz tribes.

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它是柯尔克孜族家喻户晓的长篇史诗。It is a long epic on everyone's lips among the ethnic Kirghiz people.

历史上,柯尔克孜族先民信仰过萨满教等原始宗教,后信仰伊斯兰教。Kirghiz had believed in primitive religions, such as Shamanism, before they changed to be Moslems.

在现代新疆社会中,柯尔克孜族受众通过接触大众传媒,及时把握了社会环境的变化。In modern Xinjiang, Kirghiz audience understands in time the changes of the society through mass media.

柯尔克孜人名义上是穆斯林,但许多人迷信巫术并敬拜蛇神。The Kirghiz are nominally Muslim, but superstition and black magic, especially worship of the snake god, control many.

1846年建于边塞城堡的遗址上,1862年为俄罗斯人占领,今为吉尔吉斯首府。Built on the site of a fort established in1846, it was taken by the Russians in1862 and is now the capital of Kirghiz. Population, 604, 000.

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在历史传说和现实生活中,柯尔克孜族人都与鹿有密切的关系。Kirghiz people worship and love deer . The deer has many connections with the Kirghiz people in their legends, historical stories, and daily life.

愿主耶稣的名在阿克苏得高举。位于新疆西南部柯尔克孜自治州附近,是一绿洲城,人口463,798。Pray for the name of Jesus Christ to be lifted on high in Akesu, pop. 463,798, an oasis city in southwestern Xinjiang near the Kirghiz Autonomous Prefecture.

在他们身后,一个着藏青色法国军大衣的军官骑着一匹瘦小的、尾巴和鬃毛很长、嘴唇磨出了血的吉尔吉斯马。A little behind, on a thin, delicate Kirghiz pony with a flowing tail and mane, and a mouth flecked with blood, rode a young officer in a blue French military coat.

本文研究了吉尔吉斯作家艾特玛托夫对人和自然关系的哲理思考及对大自然和动物满怀激情与诗意的描写。This essay explores a Kirghiz writer Aytmatovs philosophical thoughts on the relationship between human beings and nature, and his passionate and poetic description about nature and animal.