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他不担心销烟。He is not worried about eradication.

我指的是根除脊髓灰质炎。I am referring to polio eradication.

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根除小儿痲痺等疾病是扶轮最优先的重点。Polio eradication is Rotary's top priority.

消灭脊髓灰质炎规划中的安全性问题Safety issues in the poliomyelitis eradication campaign

我们明白,将需要至少四十年的时间来消灭它。We know that eradication will take at least four decades.

我同意将消灭该病作为未来的最终目标。I endorsed eradication as the ultimate goal for the future.

只有根除才能保证所有的孩子安全。Only eradication will guarantee that all children are safe.

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习气的清除,带来的结果是神我的智慧或自性的知识。Eradication of Vasana results in Atman-Jnana or Self Knowledge.

消灭脊髓灰质炎是可行的,并且在短期内就可行。Polio eradication is feasible, and it is feasible in the near term.

在怀奥河地区,有些农民受雇专职消灭野兔。In Waiau there are farmers employed full time for rabbit eradication.

但是甚至印度城市的环境中都还没有消灭小儿麻痹症。But even India's urban environments have not seen an eradication of polio.

这些持续不断的努力都是消除花粉症的需要。Continuous ongoing efforts are necessary for the eradication of hay fever.

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根除脊髓灰质炎是我们未完成工作的最重要领域之一。Polio eradication is one of our most important areas of unfinished business.

我们一定要把握好时机,打场漂亮的攻歼战。We must take this good opportunity to fight an excellent eradication battle.

我们还将力争在我们这个时代根除极端贫困的现象。And we will set our sights on the eradication of extreme poverty in our time.

最终的目标是将“农民工”这个称呼完全根除。The final goal should be the eradication of the term “migrant worker” entirely.

一种式样并不能适合全部—时间区域化根除幽门螺杆菌?One size does not fit all – time to regionalize Helicobacter pylori eradication?

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我们把根除脊髓灰质炎作为本组织跨区域的首要重点之一。We have made polio eradication a top cross-regional priority of the Organization.

你作为总监应如何继续支持根除小儿痲痹的目标?What can you do as governor to continue to support the goal of polio eradication?

铲除鸦片的努力将鸦片种植户挤压到了这个国家的边缘地带。Eradication efforts have forced poppy farmers into the margins of the countryside.