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我厌恶一切肮脏的东西。I disrelish filthy of any kind.

肮脏、腐败、丑陋的断腿人跪著爬行。In filth, decay and disrelish the leg-less man lay kneeling.

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可是,相了好几次亲,都因为女方嫌他矮而告吹。But, kiss many times, disrelish him because of the woman short and fail.

他总是骂我,嫌我学习不好,也经常不回家。He always scolds me, disrelish me study is bad, often also do not come home.

当然,要说九城和朱骏就此缺钱了也嫌早。Of course, should say 9 cities and Zhu Jun lack cash at this point also disrelish early.

一个能帮老板圈钱的经理人,谁又会嫌他贵呢?One can help a boss encircle the handler of money, who can disrelish him again expensive?

妹妹们,假如嫌小了,不要急着丰胸,先丰脑吧!Little sisters, if disrelish small, do not want urgent breast enhancement, first abundant head!

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淘宝暗示,在该此次风波上百度C2C方面有夸大之嫌。Clean out treasure suggestion, on this disturbance Baidu C2C respect has disrelish exaggeratedly.

堂妹过小沟时害怕,就叫我背她,我嫌麻烦,没理她。The cousin fears when canaliculus too, call my back her, I disrelish a trouble, did not manage her.

嫌台面小,还可在长度上延伸,成为一张标准的西餐桌。Disrelish mesa small, still can go up in length outspread, become the Western-style food table of a piece of standard.

爱讨便宜的“淘客”遇上网上卖家,会不会特惹人嫌?Love look for a bargain " clean out a guest " encounter get online on sell the home, can especially provoking disrelish ?

当然假如孤零零地将这些装饰品摆放在家里,往往没有感觉,或有些不伦不类之嫌。If put these adornment all alone, be of course in the home, often do not have a feeling, or of some nondescripts disrelish.

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很多车主嫌自己的车灯不够亮,到改装店给车灯增光的很多,有些车主则干脆换成氙气大灯。Many owners of bright lights disrelish oneself, to store enough to honor the modified lamp, some owners are simply change xenon headlamps.

当她明白劝不动我时,又试换一种方法,就是有意显出她对正在干的事儿不感兴趣,就变成打打哈欠,伸伸懒腰,以及Perceiving me immovable, she essayed another method of showing her disrelish for her occupation. It changed to yawning, and stretching, and

嫁你时是清清白白的女孩儿,你倒好,反而跟几个女人有过那种事,我不嫌你你倒反过来嫌我!The girl that innocence is when marrying you, you are good, had had the sort of thing with a few women instead, I do not disrelish you you disrelish me conversely!

假如嫌这个办法麻烦,还有另一种方法,就是在冷冻室内壁均匀地涂上一层食用油,可以使冰箱在一段时间不结霜。If disrelish this method trouble, still have another kind of method, besmear equably in freezer compartment wall namely an edible is oily, can make freezer is in for some time not frost.

因为色调太深便易有笨拙之感,令本来并不宽敞的客厅玄关有局促之嫌,轻易使人有压抑感。Because tonal the feeling that has clumsiness easily too greatly, make what originally not capacious sitting room porch has short disrelish , make the person has depressive feeling easily.

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主妇或年轻的白领总会嫌卫生间的洗脸台不够用,女人的衣柜要足够宽敞,女人的洗脸台也要有足够大的容量。Housewife or young white-collar always can disrelish the commode of toilet to be used not quite, feminine chest wants enough and capacious, feminine commode also should have enough large size.

一句“70码”,将杭州交警送上了风口浪尖,舆论纷纷指出交警的处理有偏袒肇事方之嫌。" 70 " , served where the wind and the waves are highest Hangzhou policeman, public opinion points out the policeman's processing has Fang Zhi of partial cause trouble to disrelish in succession.