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这说不上是纯粹的幸福。It is not an unmixed blessing.

那是充满了真挚的快乐和狂欢的一夜。That had been a night of unmixed joy and rapture.

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我在餐馆点了一道清炒菜花。I ordered a dish of unmixed stir-fried cauliflower in the restaurant.

阿蒙的图象带着一种未来幻象的性质,是图象时代纯视觉化表达的一种方式。With some , Meng's images is a turn of unmixed optical expression in image age.

人生一大烦恼,在于无法拥有纯粹的情感。It is one of the great troubles of life that we cannot have any unmixed emotions.

凡高发展了个性化的笔法及鲜明、纯色的品位。Van gogh developed a taste for personalized brushwork and brilliant unmixed colours.

但在一个有着13个国家组成的经济体里,此类祝福很少是完美的。But in an economy that comprises 13 diverse nations, such blessings are rarely unmixed.

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姐妹俩的感情十分好,一点儿也没有掺杂妒忌或是羡慕的成分。So completely was the love of these two sisters, unmixed with anything of jealousy or of envy.

东部省份的确是例外,他们是纯英国人后裔。The eastern provinces must indeed be excepted, as being the unmixed descendants of Englishmen.

那么,我们的国家是应该接受全部三种风格呢,还是接受两种未曾混合的风格中的任何一种呢?And shall we receive into our State all the three styles, or one only of the two unmixed styles?

本文分析研究两种流体互不混合的湿空气交叉流式热交换器的热性能。The thermal performance of moist air cross flow heat exchanger with two fluids unmixed has been studied.

所有的咖啡豆来自因口味优雅而广受赞誉的非混合旧藏波旁树。All of the beans come from unmixed , old-stock Bourbon plants, which are prized for their elegant flavor.

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还有一些城邦只有纯粹的希腊自由公民,在被其征服而沦为奴隶的人,例如斯巴达的“希洛人”面前指手划脚,发号施令。Some have an unmixed free citizenship of greeks lording it over an enslaved conquered population like the "helots" in sparta.

因此要解决工会在维权中的角色冲突,其唯一途径便是让工会在维权中所扮演的角色单一化、纯粹化。So the way to resolve the conflict is to make the trade union's role in the process of safeguard legal rights single and unmixed.

囊泡的气体和一条细长的形态存在,应大力改善其在弗里克塞尔湖完全粹水层浮力。The presence of gas vesicles and a long thin morphology should greatly improve its buoyancy in the completely unmixed water column of Lake Fryxell.

认为发明创新事业可以毫无例外地直接造福人类,是一种肤浅的乐观主义表现。It would be a shallow kind of optimism to assume that the introduction of the art of inventing has been an immediate and unmixed blessing to mankind.

从制取方法上来讲,多效真空蒸发制盐是生产精制盐及高纯工业盐的重要方法。In respect of the producing method , refined and high unmixed salt is usually made by multiple effect evaporation in vacuum, when man-made bittern is needed.

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天然堤、决口扇、溢岸砂多为含泥粉砂、粉砂质泥和纯泥,很难成为有效储层。The natural levee, crevasse splay and overbank sand are difficult to be effective reservoir for their content of mud-bearing silt, silty mud and unmixed mud.

让我们把我们的老朋友留在这最完美的幸福时刻吧,假使我们要寻觅,总会找到一些幸福的时刻,来欢娱我们在尘世间的短暂生命。Let us leave our old friend in one of those moments of unmixed happiness, of which, if we seek them, there are ever some, to cheer our transitory existence here.

我们希望院子主人们可以在优美的运河图景中,依附于静谧清幽的自然环境,享受纯粹的别墅居住带来的生活美感。We hope courtyard hosts could in graceful canal view, attach to quiet, nice and deep natural environment, and enjoy aesthetic feeling brought by unmixed villa life.