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总之,萨科奇先生说了不少让人开胃的话。In short, Mr Sarkozy has been saying many appetising things.

后来他病好,又拿牛肉茶或是燕麦粥给他开胃。Later, when he was recovering, she made him appetising cups of beef-tea or gruel.

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政治上,一场导致自己与过多团体对立的改革并不那么诱人。Politically, a reform that antagonises so many constituencies is hardly appetising.

色素和香料使猫咪更有食欲并对它们主人更有吸引力。Colours and flavours make the food more appetising for the cat and more attractive to the owner.

一款美味可口的早点,混合有机燕麦、小米片、有机苹果和肉桂。A delicious and appetising blend of organic oat and millet flakes with organic apple and cinnamon.

但福士在澳大利亚的最大酿酒厂,却提起了世界第二大米勒啤酒的胃口。Yet Foster's, Australia's largest brewer, looks appetising to SABMiller, the world's second-largest.

凯蒂形容她的新专辑“很开胃”,因为其中的歌词既好玩又深刻。Katy Perry has described her new album as "appetising" due to its mix of playful and thoughtful lyrics.

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他们的嗜辣习惯和其它食物发放站的方便面和饼干对比鲜明。Their appetising hot meal contrasted with the instant noodles and biscuits offered at other food stations.

其实这次我的烤鸡肉串,比一盆加文汉森的发乳还要稍为不可口。Actually, this time around, my chicken kebab tasted slightly less appetising than a tub of Gavin Henson's hair gel.

在整整一冬以贫瘠树皮枯叶果腹后,春暖花开带来了丰厚的美食。After a winter surviving on a meagre diet of bark and dead leaves, the spring greenery brings an appetising change.

要是增进了维数情形又会若何,这同样引起数学家的乐趣。Equally appetising to the mathematical mind is the question of what happens if you add extra dimensions to the pizza.

在帐户被冻结之后,俱乐部更加渴望能够拥有一个投资者为球队的未来负责,帮助球会赢得冠军联赛的资格。By freezing their debts, the club will be more appetising for potential investors who can look to the future of a team that is battling for a Champions' League spot.

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报告中一个不太诱人的推测是生物技术可能使士兵“从战场上能够搜索到的原材料”中制造出“可食用、可消化的营养食品”。One of the report's less appetising speculations is that biotechnology might allow soldiers to create "edible, digestible, nourishing food from raw materials that might be foraged on the battlefield."