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我的目的是尽可能的诚实和坦率。My goal is to be honest and candid.

小样儿,你又偷拍我!You small, Candid Camera of me again !

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他的话总是甜言蜜语的多过于正直的。His words are always more candied than candid.

为人热情豪爽,有着十分饱满的工作激情。I am honesty candid &have full of working passion.

这种偷拍式的节目太过火了。These candid camera-type programs have gone too far.

他最近的传记作者,莫尔先生则较为坦诚一些。His latest biographer, Mr. More, has been more candid.

为了证明这一点,特将事实陈诸于世界公正人士之前。To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world.

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希望今天能与各位朋友坦诚深入地开展交流。I hope today we can have candid and deep-going exchanges.

如果要送照片,一定要新近自然的生活照。If you send a photograph, make sure it's recent and candid.

总统的同僚向他进言的渠道被阻塞了。Candid advice ot the President by his colleagues is inhibited.

总统的同僚向他进言的渠道被阻塞了。Candid advice to the president by his colleagues is inhibited.

看起来这本回忆录不会比奥尔特加更加坦诚。It is no more likely to be candid than Ortega's would have been.

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赖莎对农民们的凄惨的居住条件这一问题是无偏见的…Raise was candid about the bleak living conditions on the farms.

因此,我们一方的直率和坦诚评估将继续下去。And so that frank and candid assessment on our part will continue.

我只有希望公正的读者多少包涵一些。I cannot but hope the candid reader will give some allowance for it.

这种回答很坦诚,同时他们可以更好的想象你的生活是怎么样的。It’s uncommonly candid and gives them a better picture of your life.

对于我来说,只需与当地居民坦诚相待即可。To me, it was just a matter of being candid with the resident natives.

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我们的用户喜欢的是直率、主动和匿名。Our users like the ability to be both candid and, initially, anonymous.

也算回报及延续曾经知无不言前辈们的教导。Operators also return and renewal had candid remarks predecessors taught.

双方希望通过真诚与坦率的对话来处理意见分歧。They hoped that disputes can be resolved through candid and sincere talks.