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这是摆,这里是扭摆。Here is the pendulum, the torsional pendulum.

一位60岁男性,左眼旋位复视,眼底像片有20度外旋。A 60 year-old male patient had left eye torsional diplopia.

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一个出色的扭转刚度的基础单元分数与。The base unit scores with an excellent torsional stiffness.

使我高兴的是其中底是有扭力的坚硬。I was very pleased with the torsional rigidity of the midsole.

剪切应力是由扭转和横向荷载引起。The shear stresses are caused by torsional and transverse loads.

在上下翼缘之间焊接缀板是提高工字梁抗扭性能的一种措施。Thin walled I section beam is weak in resisting torsional loads.

现在是一个更有趣的摆动-,一个扭摆。Now one more very interesting oscillation-- a torsional pendulum.

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对方形压电石英晶片扭转效应进行研究。The torsional effect of a rectangular disc was investigated herein.

第三章简要分析了柔性杆的扭转振动。In chapter three, the torsional vibration of the flexible bar was analyzed.

结果胫骨扭转畸形者步态明显改变。Results Dogs with tibial torsional deformity changed their gaits obviously.

振动台可以作水平谐振和扭振。The vibrating table may perform horizontal and torsional harmonic vibrations.

举例说明了圆筒卡夹件和扭转杆卡夹件的设计计算方法。The design methods of annular snap fits and torsional snap fits are illustrated.

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本文将虚拟样机技术应用于汽车传动系的扭振分析之中。In this paper, the VPT was applied to the study on driveline torsional vibration.

十字形截面轴心钢压杆有必要进行扭转屈曲的验算,计算方法宜采用换算长细比法。Axial steel struts of crisscross section need to be checked on torsional buckling.

努力扭转了汽车炸弹跳转到左侧的路面铲起。Hard torsional left the car a bomb jump to the left side of the pavement shovel up.

平面不规则的高层建筑结构在地震作用下会发生扭转振动效应。Earthquake can cause torsional vibration to high-rise structures with irregular plane.

研究了结构在强地震作用下的扭转效应和高阶振型对结构反应的影响。The torsional response of the structure and influence of higher mode shape are assessed.

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静力正割剪切模量系由抗扭试验的扭矩-转动曲线决定。Static secant modulus of rigidity is determined from the torque-twist curve of torsional test.

双质量飞轮较离合器而言,具有更好的减振效果。The dual mass fly-wheel has more excellent effect on reducing torsional vibration than the clutch.

全长垫片提供额外的扭转刚性和对脚部下侧的保护。Full-length shanks offer additional torsional rigidity and protection to the underside of the foot.