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而避免了粪灾。Dung disaster averted.

粪被用做肥料。Dung is used as manure.

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深深,深深地,在这粪土和黑夜里。Deep in the dung and the dark!

土壤施肥料后变肥沃了。All soil like that without dung.

蜣螂觉得粪便是好东西。To a dung beetle poop smells just fine.

马粪可以用于家庭取暖。Horse dung could be used for home heating.

埃及圣甲虫其实就是蜣螂。The Egyptian sacred scarab is a dung beetle.

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或是粪便,这取决于你听到的是什么故事He is dung depending on which story you listen to.

研究人员给蜣螂戴帽来阻挡光线。Researchersgave dung beetles caps to block out light.

你要是鲜花,以后牛都不敢拉粪了。If you are not after the flowers, and the cattle dung.

作为肥料备受青睐的鸟粪需人工收获。Coveted as fertilizer, the dung must be reaped by hand.

这些砖瓦买进时似黄金,卖出时似粪土。These bricks was brought in gold price and sold like dung.

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谷仓里弥漫着新粪酸甜的气味。The barn was filled with the sour-sweet smell of fresh dung.

大猩猩的粪便说不定或许正是地球的大救星。Gorilla dung could conceivably be the salvation of the planet.

这家动物园内的动物每年总共会产生出大约2000吨的粪便。Animals at the zoo produce roughly 2, 000 tonnes of dung a year.

相对来说,牛粪和马粪不那么令人讨厌,粪肥也是。Cow DUNG and horse dung, as muck goes, are relatively agreeable.

混杂着鱼腥、花香和大象的粪臭,甜美的、泥土味的、死亡的、腐烂的。There's fish in it, and flowers, and some elephant dung as well.

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把—个大家闺秀嫁给了目不识丁的农夫。这种事情称为“一朵鲜花插在了牛粪上”。This kind of thing is called " a flower is inserted on cow dung ".

不过我一直怀疑那会是高原上一种神秘动物的粪便!I was wonder if it was some mystery animal's dung in the altiplano!

他们忙慌乱乱地跑来跑去拾粪担土。They rushed about helter-skelter collecting dung and carrying earth.