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高盛是一头大肥猪。Goldman Sachs is a giant pig.

高盛是厚朴的一个投资者。Goldman is an investor in Hopu.

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高盛本季度表现到底如何?How did Goldman do this quarter?

有效提高了利润和工资。Goldman Goes Gangbusters on Profit, Pay.

高胜寒答应帮他策划。Goldman sachs cold promised to help him.

高盛把握了两个趋势。Goldman is coining it again for two reasons.

他是一位发明家,但是是一位非常切实际的人。Goldman was an inventor, but a practical one.

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高盛为美国国际集团抵押品定价做辩护Goldman Defends Its Collateral Calls to A.I.G.

高盛及法布里斯·图尔本人均否认有任何不法行为。Goldman and Tourre have denied any wrongdoing.

审讯员麦克·戈德曼·吉拉德就在现场。Interrogator Michael Goldman Gilad, was there.

在美国,高盛公司仍然备受倾慕。In America, Goldman still has legions of admirers.

与此同时,高盛那些奖金又怎么样?In the meantime, what about those Goldman bonuses?

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尚存的二家是摩根士丹利和高盛集团。The two left are Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs.

我们知道高盛通过卖抵押债务债券赚钱。We know Goldman made money selling synthetic CDOs.

伊克拉姆-戈德曼女士一直没在公共媒体前谈起过她所起的作用。Ms. Goldman has not spoken publicly about her role.

布罗德大街85号,这里是高盛的总部。Number 85 Broad Street is the home of Goldman Sachs.

目前为止高盛可能还会努力独自前行。For now Goldman is likely to try soldiering on alone.

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我们先谈高盛如何赚钱。Let's start by talking about how Goldman makes money.

只要看看高盛今天业绩发布时那附低声下气的样子就知道了。Just read today's subdued Goldman Sachs earnings release.

这两次出售行为对高盛来说都是非常有利可图。The disposals have been extremely profitable for Goldman.