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大混乱计划是我的主意。Project Mayhem was my idea.

大混乱行动第三条规矩就是不要找借口。The third rule in Project Mayhem is no excuses.

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大混乱计划的各个小队总是在不停的提炼脂肪。Teams of Project Mayhem guys render fat all day.

几秒钟之后,整个系统全乱套了。A few seconds later, the whole system's in mayhem.

就在那个早上,泰勒创立了“大混乱行动”。It was that morning, Tyler invented Project Mayhem.

大混乱行动的每一个人都希望知道接下来会怎么样。Everybody on Project Mayhem wants to know what's next.

在医院附近的Salmaniya是一个混乱场面。At the nearby Salmaniya hospital was a scene of mayhem.

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这些打劫者的行为没有构成故意伤害罪,因为他们贫穷。These looters aren’t causing mayhem because they’re poor.

我问,今夜是他大混乱行动上留的家庭作业么?I ask, is tonight part of his homework for Project Mayhem?

但是,我们搞破坏的本领还是世界领先的。But we certainly seem to be among the world leaders in mayhem.

超市过道中不停的慌乱和一些迷你游戏等待著你的体验!Endless aisles of supermarket mayhem and mini-games await you!

他四十八岁,他曾是大混乱计划的一部分。He is forty-eight years old, and he was part of Project Mayhem.

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“大混乱行动”的第五条规矩是你必须信任泰勒。The fifth rule about Project Mayhem is you have to trust Tyler.

大波说,“大混乱计划的第一规则是别问……”。Big Bob says, "The first rule in Project Mayhem is you don't talk-"

猴子从笼中逃了出来,在动物园里造成了大混乱。The escape of the monkeys from their cage created mayhem in the zoo.

不幸的是,对此种处境先前的经理并未理解,于是灾难接踵而来。Sadly, the previous manager didn’t understand this and mayhem ensued.

那是个集体丧失理智、谋杀与暴力合法化的时期。It was a period of collective insanity, of legalized murder and mayhem.

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就在他们跳着恶魔之舞的时候,所有的恶灵都崩溃坍塌了。While they dance The Infernal Dance, mayhem ensues until they all collapse.

指伤人、偷车、假扮警察、故意伤害、偷窃、拒捕罪行。Assault. Grand theft auto. Impersonating an officer. Mayhem. Theft. Resisting.

专家们担心,这场混乱可能很快在欧元区内触发连锁反应。Experts fear the mayhem may soon trigger a chain reaction within the eurozone itself.