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根据退磁曲线估计其居里点为500℃左右。It's curie point is about 500℃.

居里夫人发现了镭。Madame Curie discovered radium.

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居里夫人是我们崇拜的女性。Madame Curie was a woman we admired.

居里夫人没有向他们那样受苦。Madame Curie didn't suffer as they did.

一些年后,居里夫人有了一个情人。A few years later Marie Curie took a lover.

居里夫人发现了镭元素。Madame Curie discovered the element radium.

居里夫人1902年发现了镭。Madame Curie discovered pure radium in 1902.

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她的实验室被保存在居里缪斯堂。Her laboratory is preserved at the Musee Curie.

居里夫人告诫初学者不要图快。Madame Curie warned learners not to go too fast.

成功的例子有爱因斯坦,居里夫人,毕加索,还有……Think Einstein. Think Curie. Think Picasso. Think.

是居里夫人发现了镭元素。It was Madame Curie who discovered the element radium.

玛丽-居里于1867年11月7日出生于波兰。Marie Curie was born in Poland, on November 7th, 1867.

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居里夫人一生致力于镭的研究。Madame Curie devoted all her time to the study of radium.

居里夫人于1903年取的物理学博士学位。Madame Curie took the doctor's degree in physics in 1903.

而一路上他都在为玛丽·居里癌症关爱中心筹集资金。Along the way he raised money for Marie Curie Cancer Care.

居里夫人是世界里最伟大的科学家之一。Madame Curie was one of the Greatest scientists in the world.

1904年皮埃尔·居里去世时,玛丽承诺继续进行他们的事业。When Curie died in 1904, Marie pledged to carry on their work.

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人们将永远记住居里夫人是镭的发现者。Madame Curie will long be remembered as the discoverer of radium.

在居里温度以上,没有自发的磁化。Above the curie temperature there is no spontaneous magnetization.

1904年居里夫妇获得了诺贝尔物理奖。In 1904, Marie and Pierre Curie were given the Nobel Prize for physics.