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建立了大鼠下丘脑脑片培养实验模型。The model of hypothalamic slices of rat in vitro was established.

本病应与颅咽管瘤、下丘脑胶质瘤、生殖细胞瘤鉴别。It should be differentiated from craniopharyngioma, hypothalamic glioma or germinoma.

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电刺激下丘脑“防御反应区”诱发升压反应。Pressor response was induced by electrical stimulation of the hypothalamic defence area.

目的探讨儿童下丘脑错构瘤导致癫痫的手术治疗。Objective To discuss the surgical treatment for hypothalamic hamartoma causing epilepsy in children.

最后抑制下丘脑蛋白激酶C会消除脂质的作用减少葡萄糖的生成。Finally, inhibition of hypothalamic PKC eliminated the ability of lipids to lower glucose production.

目的研究在奥拉西坦作用下大鼠下丘脑神经元钠钾通道电流的变化。Objective To study the effect of oxiracetam on the current of sodium and potassium channels in rat hypothalamic neurons.

下丘脑疾病患者餐后血循环中PYY的变化没有统计学差异。There was no statistically significant change postprandially in circulating PYY in the patients with hypothalamic damage.

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对雄性大鼠正中隆起室管膜进行了透射和扫描电镜观察。The ependyma of hypothalamic median eminence of the male rat was studied with scanning and transmission electron microscope.

这些结果提示,电刺激下丘脑诱发房性心律失常的机制与室性心律失常有所不同。The results suggest that the mechanisms of inducingatrial and ventricular arrhythmias by hypothalamic stimulation may be different.

主要临床表现为头痛、视力视野障碍、下丘脑功能障碍、尿崩症。Major clinical manifestations included headache, vision and visual field disorders, hypothalamic dysfunctions and diabetes insipidus.

FTO基因的表达产物是一种核酸修复酶,能作用于下丘脑弓状核,调节食欲和能量代谢。The expressed product of FTO gene is a nuclease which acts on the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus and regulates appetite and energy metabolism.

弓状核内可见许多弧形纤维连于第三脑室室管膜和正中隆起。There were numerous arcuate fibers connecting with the third ventricle ependymal surface and median eminence in arcuate hypothalamic nucleus.

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下丘脑蛋白激酶C抑制剂卡马拉素和OAG同时给药会抑制OAG活化蛋白激酶C的能力并降低葡萄糖的生成。Coadministration of hypothalamic PKC- inhibitor rottlerin with OAG prevented the ability of OAG to activate PKC- and lower glucose production.

饲料中增加氯化胆碱,虽降低下视丘性肥胖鼠体内之脂肪百分率,但不影响胆汁分泌。Whereas it reduced the fat percentage in hypothalamic rats, choline chloride supplementation exerts no significant change in bile secretory rate.

在下丘脑注射6-OHDA及脾交感神经切除后,可降低艾灸的上述作用。The effect of moxibustion can be reversed by micro-injection group with 6-OHDA in anterior hypothalamic area or spleen sympathetic nerve resection.

前床突上段眼动脉部的主要分支包括眼动脉、垂体上动脉及丘脑下部支。The ophthalmic arterial portion of the supraclinoidal segment sent off the ophthalmic artery, the superior hypophyseal artery and the hypothalamic branch.

我们认为控制口渴感觉和血管降压素分泌的下视丘渗秀压接收器所具有的缺陷和叶状空前脑症有相关性。These findings suggested holoprosencephaly may be associated with a defect in the hypothalamic osmoreceptors that control thirst and vasopressin secretion.

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摄食是一种复杂的行为活动,是多种神经递质和调质在下丘脑的广泛区域互作的结果。The regulation of food intake and energy metabolism involves the interaction of several neurotransmitters and neuromodulators at multiple hypothalamic areas.

在同侧下丘脑外侧区、背侧区、未定带和背内侧核中可见少量标记细胞。A small number of labeled cells appeared in the ipsilateral hypothalamic lateral area, the dorsal area, Zona incer-ta, and the dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus.

方法取5个月龄水囊引产胚胎的下丘脑和垂体组织进行培养,并收集其条件培养基。Methods The hypothalamic and pituitary tissues from freshly aborted 5-month human fetuses were taken for cellular culture and the condition medium was collected.