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小丑走向丽诺儿的房间。The jester went to Lenore's room.

小丑把金项链带去给丽诺儿公主。The jester took the gold chain to Princess Lenore.

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在赫特人贾巴的宫殿里,他是受宠的小丑。Crumb was the favored jester in the court of Jabba the Hutt.

我的名字是杰斯特,关于这座建筑略知一二。My name is Jester , and I know a thingortwo about this place.

小丑笑了丽诺儿,然后去见国王的珠宝匠。The jester laughed Lenore and wanted to see the king's jeweler.

你会明白我的意思是当你到达乔利杰斯特功能。You will know what I mean when you get to the Jolly Jester feature.

但是那个小丑企图嘲弄瓜伊雷,因此瓜伊雷从他旁边擦身而过。But the jester had intended to mock Guaire, so Guaire passed him by.

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小丑的帽子,装饰得像公鸡的鸡冠一样。The cap of a jester was decorated to resemble the comb of a rooster.

小丑穿上詹姆士迪恩的外套为国王和王后演唱。When the jester sang for the King and Queen, In a coat he borrowed from James Dean.

有一个故事,说的是一个宫廷小丑,有一天他做的过火,冒犯了国王。The story goes that a certain court jester went too far one day and insulted his king.

左不过是主人宫廷里的一名弄臣,既被纵容又受到轻视,博得宽厚的主人一声赞许而已。A jester at the court of his master , indulged and disesteemed, winning a clement master 's praise.

后来,国王有些心软了,但只是让他选择如何死而已。After a time, the king relented only enough to give the jester his choice as to how he would like to die.

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最为重要的是,当你在这一区域走动时,会时不时遇到一个说着胡话的小丑。Most importantly, as you move through here a strange jester will appear from time to time and spout nonsense.

沈绮颖在医院待了很长时间,“既是看护,又要插科打诨来振奋他的精神,”她说。She spent long days at the hospital as both "caretaker and court jester trying to lift his spirits, " she said.

“乔彼特”的母亲是“印象”,米尔特鸽舍著名育种搭档“加斯特”&“加丽”的直女。The dam of the sire is "Reflection" a direct daughter from Myrtle Lofts famous breeding pair "Jester" &"Carrie".

左不过是主人宫廷里的一名弄臣,既被纵容又受到轻视,博得宽厚的主人一声赞许而已。A jester or buffoon. A jester at the court of his master, indulged and disesteemed , winning a clement master's praise.

在3100年前,庄严威仪的祭祀中,“丑”带着“沙”与美丽的太阳神鸟化身的“金”再次相见。"Jester" let "Sha" to the beautiful Incarnation of the Sunbird "Jin" during the Holy sacrificial ceremony 3100 years ago.

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酒吧负责人杰斯特表示,其中一名抢匪从阳台跳出逃逸,另一名则试图冲过便门逃跑。One robber escaped by jumping over a balcony . The other tried to run through a service entrance, said the club's president, Jester.

另一项建议是为了消除对回归方闲散人员,完全让连锁经营旁边叉一样,它是否就卡拉科夫。Another suggestion was to eliminate the return side idlers entirely and let the chain run next to the fork like it does on the Jester.

不要带着一顶小丑帽、夏利恩菲特的假发或其他不合适的头饰入场,使你看起来像个傻瓜一样。DON'T come into Anfield wearing a jester hat Harry Enfield Scouser wig or other unsuitable headwear that makes you look like a complete dick.