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这是一颗荔枝。It's a lychee.

这是一个荔枝。This is a lychee.

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很多人在荔枝公园看他跳舞。Many people saw him dancing in the Lychee Park.

荔枝是一种源自中国东南部的一种热带水果。Lychee is a tropical fruit from southeast China.

荔枝还是一种很不错的水果,味道还是很甜的。Lychee is a very good fruit, taste is still sweet.

这荔枝树便成了闻名遐迩的挂绿树。This lychee trees has become linked to the famous tree.

植绥螨是控制荔枝瘿螨及其他害螨的有效天敌。Erineum mite is a important hurtful mites attacking lychee.

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五年前,王大叔在他的农场里种了很多荔枝树。Five years ago, Uncle Wang planted many lychee trees on his farm.

荔枝,巧克力口味的,金酒为基酒的酸酒。Sour with a gin base and strong flavours of lychee and chocolate.

富有荔枝和鹅莓的香气,同时也带有其他一些植物的香味。Aromas of lychee and gooseberries with a hint of leafy complexity.

我住在夏威夷,我们种荔枝,也很喜爱它们!希望越南人给我们送来更多。I live in Hawaii, we grow lychee and love 'em! Hope Vietnam sends us more.

此酒沿用和发展了“荔枝绿”的特殊酿制工艺。This wine follows and developed the "Lychee Green" special brewing process.

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荔枝乃众水果之首,连一代文豪也为之入迷。Lychee is first of all the fruits, even for a generation of writers of ecstasy.

荔枝的形状是椭圆形的,上大下小,像一个小灯笼,又像一个马蜂窝。Lychee is an oval shape and large small, like a small lantern, like a hornet's nest.

接下来的环节是到一家荔枝酒厂参观和品尝。Next was a tour and tasting session at a winery making sickeningly sweet lychee wine.

最近几天,于都县城不少地方到处都在销售新鲜的荔枝。In recent days, Yudu County town in many places everywhere in the sales of fresh lychee.

两个月之后,王大叔收获了他的荔枝,并与朋友们一起分享了荔枝。Two months later, Uncle Wang picked all his lychee and shared the fruit with his friends.

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口感有桃、杏、梨、芒果和胡椒,并伴有略微的玫瑰花瓣和荔枝的味道。Combination of peach, apricot, pear, mango and spices with hints of rose petal and lychee.

如果你想去竹园村购荔枝,村民就会带你来到荔枝岛。If you want to Chuk Yuen Estate to buy lychees, the villagers will take you to lychee Island.

今天晚上,妈妈买了一袋荔枝回来,我拿起一把荔枝观察起来。This evening, my mother bought a bag of lychees back, I picked up an observation with lychee.