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我们缴获了这伙私枭的全部毒品。We confiscated all the drugs from this smuggler gang.

海关人员当场抓获了走私者。The Customs officers caught the smuggler green-handed.

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那个毒品走私犯将在牢狱之内了却残生。That drug smuggler will live the rest of his life behind bars.

海岸警卫队缉私艇沿海巡逻搜寻走私犯。The coastguard cutter cruise along the coast look for smuggler.

但一个狡猾的走私犯已经窥见那只罐子很久了。But a sly smuggler had been on watch for the pot for a long time.

私运者对在拖船中拥抱臭虫的号手耸耸肩。The smuggler shrugged to the bugler hugging the bug in the tugboat.

走私者对在拖船中拥抱臭虫的号手耸耸肩.The smuggler shrugged to the bugler hugging the bug in the tugboat.

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可卡因贩子雇佣了一个老练的走私犯把毒品带进了澳大利亚。Dealers in cocaine hired an old smuggler to Dealers in drug into Australia.

碰上一个特别管闲事的海关官员,他显然把我当成了走私犯。a particularly officious Customs officer clearly regarded me as a smuggler.

你丫的再试一次老子就把你屁股踢飞了!Try one more time to scan us and we'll fry your ass! the smuggler continued.

私自打猎的人住在森林里,走私的人住在山中或海上。The poacher lives in the forest, the smuggler lives in the mountains or on the sea.

海关官员检查了走私嫌疑者的行李但没发现走私物品。Customs officials examined the luggage of the suspected smuggler but found no contraband.

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在此期间,霍恩和米拉克丝·泰瑞克越走越近。米拉克丝是一名与共和国关系密切的走私者。During these events, Horn grew closer to Mirax Terrik, a smuggler with ties to the Republic.

另一个强大的走私者不厌其烦,把25公斤的可卡因藏在了407个西葫芦里。Another enterprising smuggler took the trouble of stuffing 407 courgettes with 25kg of cocaine.

用走私者的话来说,他过上“体面生活”了。他在科舍尔开始风险投资。He went "respectable, " in smuggler parlance, and entered into a risky business venture on Kessel.

命中注定的缘分让走私者达什·伦达注意到了她,伦达请这位美女喝了一杯。It was purely fate that she caught the eye of smuggler Dash Rendar , who bought the woman a drink.

在那儿,他主要是作为一个为前南非陆军上校走私“血钻”的人。There, he is mainly involved as a ‘blood diamond’ smuggler for his former South African army colonel.

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他获悉索洛被高额通缉后,发誓一定要抓住这个科雷利亚走私犯。When word of the hefty bounty on Solo reached him, Dengar vowed to track down the Corellian smuggler.

他是出色的商人和飞行员,他的飞船“亚光速女王号”在走私者圈子里很有名。He was a capable trader and pilot, with his ship the Sublight Queen being renowned in smuggler circles.

一天走私犯放火烧本杰民的房子,然后他以救火的名义打碎了门。One day, the smuggler set fire to Benjamin's house. Then he smashed the door open in the name of fire fighting.