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像乔治-伯恩斯。Like George Burns.

这暖炉烧油。This stove burns oil.

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干木容易燃烧。Dry wood burns easily.

野火在暮色中烧。Wild-fire burns at dusk.

所有这些都消耗能量。All of this burns energy.

它只不过多烧点你的汽油罢了。It simply burns more fuel.

他因烧伤而被毁容。He was disfeatured by burns.

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胡椒辣得嘴发麻。The mouth burns with pepper.

在取暖时太近火的人被灼。He warms too near that burns.

博恩斯教授说什么了?What did Professor Burns say?

伤口因涂了碘酒而疼痛。The cut burns from the iodine.

此谓之吃烧鱼。This says eats burns the fish.

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曾任美国驻俄大使的伯恩斯在发言中强调了三点。Burns highlighted three points.

你姓伯恩斯,那名字呢?What is your name besides Burns?

他操劳过度,如蜡烛双头烧。He burns his candle at both ends.

碱能够造成严重的烧伤。Lyes Lye can cause serious burns.

钱会把衣服口袋烧出一个洞。Money Burns a hole in the pocket.

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钱到袋里留不住。Money burns a hole in his pocket.

辣根使喉咙辣得难受。The horseradish burns the throat.

在敬拜火中燃烧业力。Worshipping the fire burns Karma.