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但被雅利安人科学家反驳。The Aryan scientist debunked the claim.

他不可能进入雅利安人骄傲的腹地!He would not dare enter the very heart of Aryan Pride!

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只有巴斯克语抵制住了雅利安语的征服。Only the Basques resisted the conquering Aryan speech.

和其他的电影是“雅利安人”与她合作的明星与苏海尔汗。And the other movie is "Aryan" with she co-stars with Sohail Khan.

指望雅利神什神通奇迹,者配活。Aryan gods were not expected to work miracles or control men's lives.

强大的雅利安人的分遣队是操纵和控制媒体的行家。The powerful Aryan contingent were masters of manipulation and media.

塔吉克族是中国三个雅利安民族之一,是中国边疆的守卫者。Tajiks, one of three aryan nation in China—-The Keeper of Chinese frontier.

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最后很多戏剧和打架拉吉雅利安设法说服纳拉珊。Finally with lots of drama and fights Raj Aryan manages to convince Narayan Shankar.

我们现在接近于五千年周期的雅利安人卡利年代或黑暗年代的尾升。We are at the close of the cycle of5000years of the present aryan kali yuga or dark age.

雅利安人内部的派系越来越希望利用水晶能量对付敌人。Factions within Aryan increasingly sought to use crystal energy to quell the adversaries.

有如此多的克隆生物被制造出来以至于雅利安的农、工业社会对他们产生了依赖。So many were cloned that the agro-industrial society of Aryan became quite dependent on them.

一尊雕像是有著希腊神祇的胴体、样板亚利安人种脸孔和纳粹步兵发型的裸男。A naked man with the body of a Greek god, a textbook Aryan face and the haircut of a Nazi foot soldier.

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纳粹党的十字记号的发现使印度雅利安人入侵南亚次大陆的假说受到了质疑。The discovery of Swastikas have put to question the theory of an Aryan invasion of Indian subcontinent.

我不相信万物起源于印度,当然我也反驳不了雅利安人入侵理论。I do not believe everything originated in India, and I certainly do not refute the Aryan Invasion Theory.

雅利安岛是人口最多的,并对奥戈岛、安塔利亚岛和艾尔岛施加影响和政治控制。The island of Aryan was the most populated, and exerted influence and political control over Og, Atalya and Eyre.

这是推测,铁面无私原来分配的任务,例如卑贱,因为他们非雅利安人的起源。It is speculated that the Untouchables were originally assigned such lowly tasks because of their non Aryan origins.

新娘和新郎宣誓他们是“纯亚利安人种”,“没有不能结婚的遗传病。”The bride and groom-to-be swore they were "of complete Aryan descent" and had "no hereditary disease to exclude their marriage. "

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毫无意外,纳粹非常喜欢Lenard的观点,他被任命为希特勒的首席雅利安物理学家,至于这到底意味着什么就随他便了。To no one's surprise, the Nazis also liked Lenard's ideas. He was appointed Hitler's chief of Aryan physics, whatever the hell that means.

雅利安的遗传工作的进行和开发是用来去除附肢,爪子,羽毛和类似爬虫动物的皮肤及鳞片。The genetic work had been processed and developed on Aryan and was used to remove appendages, claws, feathers and reptilian skins and scales.

混合突变体被用来恐吓那些在雅利安和OG反对他们的人,这一次对波塞顿人的企图是徒劳无功的。The hybrid mutants were used to terrorize those who opposed them in Aryan and Og, and on one occasion this was futilely attempted in Poseida.