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应计收入将不予应税的。Accrued income will never be taxable.

这笔款项可从应征税的公司收入中扣除。The money is deductible from taxable income.

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根据赠与税规定,只有完全赠与才应纳税.Only a complete gift is taxable under the gift tax.

小规模纳税人销售货物或者应税劳务的。Sale of goods or taxable services by small-scal e taxpayers.

技术开发费抵扣应纳税所得额。Technical development cost can be deducted from the taxable income.

我所有收入都要按最高比率纳税,这太不公平了。It is totally unfair but all my incomes are taxable at the top rate.

但是如果你重组的是可征税的经纪账户,你就会受制于收税。If it’s a taxable brokerage account, then you will be subject to taxes.

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举例来说,衣服、烟、汽水和汽油都是打税物品。For example, clothing, cigarettes, soda, and gasoline are taxable items.

失业金为应纳税收入,同时也为可领取养老金收入。The unemployment benefit is taxable and is counted as pensionable income.

红股与现金红利不同,对收入者没有所得税。Stock dividends are not taxable income to the recipient as are cash dividends.

能否对非法收入征税是一个在世界范围内都颇受关注的问题。Whether illegal income is taxable is regarded as important all over the world.

税目、税率的部分调整,由国务院决定。Adjustment of some taxable items and tax rates shall be decided by the State Council.

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税目、税率的调整,由国务院决定。Any adjustments to the taxable items and tax rates shall be determined by the State Council.

纳税申报单则反映应税收益的计算,是由税法和税则规定的概念。Tax returns show the computation of taxable income, legal concept by tax laws and regulations.

确定应纳税额的最后一步是以应税所得乘以税率表。The final step in determining tax liability is to apply a schedule of rates to taxable income.

个人所得税作为直接税的一种,是以个人的应税所得为对象征收的一种税。Personal income tax as a direct tax, the taxable income on an individual target for a tax levy.

一种估计存货价值的方法是毛利法,另一种方法是零售价格法。Municipalities calculate taxable value for each land parcel after the valuation process is completed.

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国家对区内加工出口的产品和应税劳务免征增值税、消费税。The State of export processing zone products and taxable services exempt from VAT and consumption tax.

工资及其他有关收入都要按等级税率纳税,而且也要从薪金工资中预扣。Wages and other related income are taxable at graduated rates and are also subject to withholding tax.

所得税费用是公司欠联邦政府、州政府、和其他所得税权威机构的应税所得的部分。The portion of a corporation's taxable income owed to federal, state, and other income tax authorities.