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就是你说漏了嘴。You're the leak.

你能闻到煤气漏气吗?Can you smell a gas leak?

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这个照相机漏光。The camera has a light leak.

我船水线以下有漏隙。I have leak below water line.

高灵敏度低泄漏选择。High-Low leak sensitivity selector.

那个木桶开始破裂泄漏了。The barrel began to spring a leak.

Monolight的内存泄露检测工具A memory leak detector for Moonlight

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只要漏一点,就会成为喷枪。A leak would have become a blowtorch.

漏血检测器插头。Blood Leak Detector LED end plug assy.

杂质泵试运转时呈现的泄漏。Impurity pump leak when commissioning.

极性相关漏点定位方法。Polar correlation leak point locating.

据埃蒙斯谈,大多数的门都透漏空气。According to Emmons, most doors leak air.

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即使是到折扣店去购物也会花费钱。Even bargain shopping can be a money leak.

水已开始渗入地下室。Water had started to leak into the cellar.

右侧着陆主传动装置有裂隙迹象。Evidence of leak on right main landing gear.

这对HDCP安全意味着什么?What does the leak imply for HDCP's security?

只要当中任何一个人泄露,整个任务就会功亏一篑。Any leak would have ruined the entire mission.

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漏血检测器光耦插头。Blood Leak Detector Photo-diode end plug assy.

天哪!屋顶一直那样漏雨吗?My, does the roof leak like that all the time?

柔软盖板,盖合严实不泄露。Soft pliable lid provides leak resistant seal.