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我家因城市房屋拆除而搬迁了。My family has been displaced by urban demolition.

拆肉剔骨,将肉切成条。Eviscerate demolition meat, cut into the meat section.

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半个月前,肉联厂已经开始大规模拆迁。Just half month ago, massive demolition began on the plant.

人权团体表示,他们将就捣毁令提出上诉。Human rights groups say they will appeal the demolition orders.

无土地证,拆迁赔偿差多少钱?。No land certificate, demolition of poor compensation for how much?

但这些燃烧瓶却没有成功阻止拆迁。However, the self-made explosives failed to prevent the demolition.

因此,一些地方甚至出现了强拆猪场的事件。In some places, there even occurred the pig farms demolition events.

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可是,天星的清拆没有停止,反而是加速!However, the demolition hasn't been stopped, and is even speeding up!

克洛夫特和工兵爆破排的一个士官走了出来。Croft and a sergeant from the pioneer and demolition platoon stepped up.

1号机化为了一团火焰的同时爆破组登上了支奴干。Helo one burst into flames while the demolition team boarded the Chinook.

一群人早上一觉醒来,却发现他们的家门口贴上了拆迁通知。A group of people wake up to find demolition notices affixed to their homes.

立即拆除之前的基帕克斯阳台能力18,300。Immediately prior to demolition the capacity of the Kippax terrace was 18,300.

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介绍了某铁路桥桥墩台帽的切割爆破拆除。The paper introduces the cutting blasting demolition of a railway bridge pier.

不可否认这个地区的人口密度过大使得拆除工作风险很大。You can’t deny that the density of the area would make a demolition too risky.

隔断墙,还原毛坯房,室内全套拆除。Off the wall, reducing the semifinished materials room, full indoor demolition.

在李达三栖重建工程中,利用较安静的油压式玻碎机进行拆卸。A quieter hydraulic crusher was used in the demolition of the Li Dak Sum Building.

拆卸简单只需轻轻推动后面卡主线条的铁扣就可以。Just gently push back the demolition a simple card main lines of iron can be deducted.

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论述了高层砼框架结构建筑物定向爆破的设计与施工方法。This paper expends demolition blasting design and constructing way about high building.

该系统主要有学校宏观划片、微观规划和片区拆迁等功能。The system functions mainly include macro dicing, micro planning and district demolition.

被雇佣来从事理赔与拆迁的公司也拒绝回答任何问题。The company hired to handle compensation and demolition also declined to answer questions.