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他怀疑有伏兵。He suspected an ambush.

你要在城后设下伏兵。Set an ambush behind the city.

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你要在城后设下伏兵。Set an ambush for the city behind it.

一支叛军受诱骗中了埋伏。A rebel force was beguiled into ambush.

埋伏在乱石堆里杉木看见黄鸣锋等人。Ambush fir in ci to see huang feng, etc.

以色列人在基比亚的四围设下伏兵。Then Israel set an ambush around Gibeah.

不足300米处,他们遭受埋伏。Not 300 meters on, they fell into the ambush.

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敌人在伏击点全部被歼。Enemy was totally destroyed at the ambush point.

只要我们跟进去,他们就能轻易地打我们一个埋伏。If we go in after them, they can ambush us easily.

并在监狱里设下埋伏等待瓮中捉鳖。And in prison in an ambush waiting for a sure catch.

有人预先埋伏在妇人的内室里。Now she had men lying in ambush in an inner chamber.

有一组老虎被称为“条纹”或“伏兵”。A group of tigers is called a "streak" or an "ambush".

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他说,克伦民族解放军士兵没有参与伏击。He said KNLA soldiers did not take part in the ambush.

你也可以在他们跑出建筑之后将他们歼灭。You could ambush them as they run out of the building.

敌人将诱骗者一直追到伏兵所在地。The enemy chased the decoys down to the place of ambush.

在瑞典的露天伏击之后,杰克逃亡到了意大利。Jack escapes to Italy after the opening ambush in Sweden.

我知道他肯定会偷袭我,于是我先动手打了他。As I know he will certainly ambush me, I attacked him first.

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我担心会有埋伏,咱们不要再往前了。I am afraid there might be ambush. let's not go any forther.

马上,伏击圈内到处响起了激烈的枪声。Immediately, the entire ambush squalled with automatic fire.

换做杜库是Lorian,他就会在出口处伏击他们。If Dooku were Lorian, he would try to ambush them at an exit.