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重验证的程序取决于该变更的性质。The degree of revalidation depends on the nature of the change.

当程序发生改变时,替代系统的重新确认被做了吗?Are systems in place to initiate revalidation when program changes are made?

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这些验证的元素可能经常要求重新确认和重新验证。These validated elements may often require re verification and revalidation.

例如,如果服务器上的用户凭据已更改,则重新验证将会失败。Revalidation can fail, for example, if the user credentials have changed on the server.

如报讀重温课程,须連同有关证书副本一并递交。If apply for revalidation course, please send the copy of relevant certificate together.

因为它没有传回值,所以无法指出重新验证是否失败。Because it does not have a return value, it cannot indicate whether revalidation has failed.

重新验证组件,以提供对需要定期进行审批的系统的访问。Revalidation component, to provide access to systems that need to be approved at regular intervals

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除过重新确认的费用,试制工作还要花费不少时间和资金。In addition to the costs of revalidation , time and money will have to be spent on development work.

如果缓存项的上次重新验证日期比缓存同步日期早,则发生服务器重新验证。If the cache entry was last revalidated prior to the cache synchronization date, revalidation with the server occurs.

确保所有的计划验证、非计划验证、再验证和校验活动及时的执行并且文档化。Ensure that planed and unplanned validation, revalidation and calibration activities are timely carried out and documented.

卫生部帮我们再度应证了我们种族的历史,这是让我感到非常骄傲能够看见的。What the health ministry has done for our race is a historical revalidation , which makes me feel proud and happy to have seen it.

该宪章颁布的另一个目的,就是努力成为欧洲心脏病专家认证和生效的实体。As its second major objective, the ESC is exploring options for becoming the certification and revalidation body for European cardiologists.

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在一个地点验证的方法转移到另一个地点时,没有进行方法转移或者再验证方案。For example, methods that were validated at one facility and transferred to xxx site are being used without method transfer or revalidation protocol,.

各相关部门按照年度产品质量回顾报告中制定的整改和预防性措施或其他再验证措施及完成时间,按时有效地完成。Concerned Departments effectively and timely implement reforming and corrective measures or other revalidation measures defined in the annual product quality review report.

在1988年的立场书中,PDA认为“再验证事实上就是定期的前验证的反复,是没有必要的”。PDA commented in the 1988 position paper that " revalidation " studies that are essentially repeats of prospective validation studies on a periodic basis are not necessary.

每当洁净室有改变,就要评估更改对洁净室的影响,并决定如何进行重新鉴定。When changes are made to the cleanroom, an assessment of how the changes will affect the cleanroom is performed, and a decision is made of how extensive the revalidation will be.

FDA要求常规验证程序说明负责执行和批准验证研究的人员,验收标准以及所要求的再验证时间。FDA expects the general validation procedures to address who is responsible for performing and approving the validation study, the acceptance criteria, and when revalidation will be required.

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如果缓存项的重新验证日期比缓存同步日期晚,而且没有使缓存项无效的服务器重新验证要求,则使用缓存中的项。If the cache entry was revalidated after the cache synchronization date and there are no server revalidation requirements that make the cached entry invalid, the entry from the cache is used.