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想补充蛋白质练出肌肉线条?Protein to Build Muscle?

摄入更多的蛋白帧镣水果。Eat more protein and fruit.

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你则需要吃下200克的蛋白质。You need to eat 200g protein.

任何的蛋白质都是可以用药物控制的。Every protein now is druggable.

停止摄入高脂肪的动物蛋白质。Cut out high-fat animal protein.

深层护发素或者蛋白质面膜Deep conditioner or protein mask

我相信我需要动物蛋白。I believe I need animal protein.

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它是无生命的,角质化的蛋白质。It is dead, keratinized protein.

错误折叠之前的蛋白质状态Protein state prior to misfolding

蛋白质的选择要多样,比如,一周吃两次海产品,还有豆类,小块的精肉猪肉eating a variety of protein foods

韧带还含有弹性蛋白。Ligaments contain protein elastin.

蛋白质消耗也低于标准。Protein consumption was also less.

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运动之后饮用蛋白奶昔。Chug a protein shake after workout.

肉皮是胶原蛋白食物。Pork skin is collagen protein food.

这影响了维他命D和蛋白质。This affects vitamin D and protein.

含14克蛋白质和3毫克奥米茄3必须脂肪酸。With 14g protein and 3mg of Omega 3.

而氨基酸聚合物就是蛋白质A polymer of amino acids is a protein.

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你需要增加蛋白质以增强体质。You need more protein to build you up.

锌和蛋白质摄入量是足够的。Zinc and protein intakes are adequate.

目的蛋白具有ICL的活性。The fusion protein had activity of ICL.