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假如,让空间更为宽敞。If, make a space more capacious.

人是渺小的,心灵是广阔的。People is chickenshit, heart is capacious.

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人是渺小的,心灵是的阔广。People is chickenshit, heart is capacious.

晚饭,来到一家宽敞明亮的中国餐馆。Dinner was in a capacious and bright Chinese restaurant.

他的广阔的下巴逐渐侵占了白领带的边界。Gradually his capacious chin encroached upon the borders of the white cravat.

一年后,老许一家五口住上宽敞明亮的新房。After a year, old Xu Yijia lives 5 times on capacious and bright bridal chamber.

在水体较大的水泥池暂养的成活率一直都较高。High survival rates were obtained in capacious tanks from larvae to fingerlings.

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桂花用途广、经济价值高,开发利用前景广阔。Osmanthus wide uses, high economic value, development uses foreground capacious.

采用TDA2822M的系统实现了手机的免提,通话语音清晰,具有广阔的应用前景。The system based on TDA2822M can get a clear voice and it has capacious foreground.

我们坐在宽敞明亮的教室里,学习着知识,我们是幸福的。We sat in capacious and bright in the classroom, learning the knowledge, we are happy.

海洋,这个不幸者的慷慨好客的朋友,向琼斯张开了宽大的臂膀。The Ocean, that hospitable friend to the wretched, opened her capacious arms to receive Jones.

作为一家内销型企业,具有广阔的发展前景和抗风险能力。As a sale in domestic market enterprise, have capacious development foreground and fight risk ability.

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反之,冷和比较淡雅的色彩会使房间看起来宽敞些。Conversely, cold can make with the colour that compares quietly elegant the room looks some more capacious.

高耸的山峰升得这高,低洼的湖底沉得这低,阔而广,好河床——。So high as heaved the tumid hills, so low Down sunk a hollow bottom broad and deep, Capacious bed of waters.

这酒注入在信友的心灵中,犹如注入到大酒缸中,靠其本身的力量在心中发酵。When men receive it with believing hearts, like capacious wineskins, it ferments within them by its own power.

相信侯小强在新的、更广阔的平台会取得更加骄人的成绩。Believe Hou Xiaojiang is in new, more capacious platform can be obtained more the achievement of arrogant person.

对于卫生间比较宽敞的人家来说,这种尺寸上的差别不会影响整体布局。For more capacious to toilet other people, the difference on this kind of dimension won't affect integral position.

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“洞窟酒吧”就是这样一个地方,布里森登和他此刻就躺在“洞窟”的大皮椅上喝着威士忌苏打。Such a place was the Grotto, where Brissenden and he lounged in capacious leather chairs and drank Scotch and soda.

但我知道取消晚餐只会让我忧伤得无意出差,所以我一如平常地吃了晚饭。But I knew that such a cancellation would make me too sad to travel, so I ate my usual meal. The boat was capacious.

比如,没有茶几只有沙发的布置,看起来会比一般客厅宽敞。For instance, do not have what tea table has sofa only to decorate, look can more capacious than average sitting room.