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我想要一个可替换的电池。I want a replaceable battery.

哦,它还提供一个可更换电池。Oh, and it has a replaceable battery.

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拖把头可替换,可机洗。Replaceable mop refill machine washable.

松耦合保证了一个调用是可替换的。Loose coupling ensures that a call is replaceable.

出售之日起三个月内包换。Replaceable within three months from the date of sale.

气缸套的更换和“湿”型。The cylinder liners are replaceable and of the "wet" type.

现金券如有遗失或损毁,恕不补发。The cash coupons are not replaceable in case of loss or damage.

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介绍了可换索体系对各组成部分的要求。This paper introduces requirements of replaceable tendon system.

不需要任何特殊工具或设备即可现场更换阀座。The seat is field replaceable without any special tools or equipment.

因此,教学非语言艺术在教学过程中起着不可替代的作用。Therefore, non-language art of kindergarten teaching can be replaceable.

镀锌铜壳低功率密度加热棒,更换容易。Copper sheathed, tin coated low Watt density elements easily replaceable.

阀座和阀座阀瓣应该是可更换的,不需要使用特殊工具。Seats and seat discs shall be replaceable without the use of special tools.

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组件是一个具有清晰功能的可替换的软件模块。A component is a replaceable piece of software that fulfills a clear function.

超轻薄的定期更换墨盒和数码笔。An ultra-thin & light digital pen with a regular and replaceable ink cartridge.

由此看来,“每个人都是可以被替代的”这句话应该值得反思一下了。This is why the old adage that everyone is replaceable may need some re-thinking.

可更换式戒指,包含有戒圈、戒片和T形连接件。A replaceable ring includes a ring circle, a ring patch, and a T-shaped connector.

直升机级的优质胶带如果被沙或其它残骸损坏可以替换。Helicopter grade leading-edge tape is replaceable if abraded by fine debris or sand.

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新型雷达可更换的板级电路复杂、数量多。In the new type of radar, there are many complicated replaceable board-level circuits.

可替换的隔膜橡胶和可修理的隔膜简化了现场服务。Replaceable diaphragm rubber and field-repairable diaphragm make on-site service easy.

SCV设计为在内径处通过卫生金属箍密封,此设计使阀门可替代食品级密封要求。The SCV design seals on the ID of sanitary ferrules with replaceable food grade seals.