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我去和歌利亚打。Iam going to fight Goliath.

大卫战胜了歌利亚成为国王。David beat Goliath and became a king.

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每天戈利亚斯都到萨奥的军营附近。Every day Goliath came near Saul's camp.

当他上前迎战的时候,他对歌利亚说的什么呢?As he approached Goliath , what did he say?

我们都知道大卫和哥里亚斯的故事。We all know the story of David and Goliath.

打死戈利亚斯的投掷物是块石头。The missile that killed Goliath was a stone.

大卫是杀死巨人歌利亚的人。David is the person who killed the giant Goliath.

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大卫用的的弹弓和石弹杀死巨人歌利亚。David uses his sling and a stone to kill Goliath.

格莱斯很小。他是森林里最小的象。Goliath is small. He's the smallest elephant in the forest.

大卫准备就绪,出去与巨人歌利亚交战。David gird up his loins and go out to meet the giant goliath.

格莱斯不害怕。他很小但他不害怕。Goliath is not afraid. He is very small but he is not afraid.

通常情况下,格利亚会亲吻我或是将它的脑袋蹭到我手心里以示友好。As usual, Goliath gives me a greeting puff, and shoves his head into my hand.

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但要是歌利亚杀了他的敌手,以色列王国也得比照办理。But if Goliath killed his enemy, then the Kingdom of Israel had to do the same.

在被篝火照亮的夜晚,这里就是大卫和歌利亚故事的起点。In the evening by the fire, this is where stories like David and Goliath started.

扫罗对大卫的勇气留下了印象,最终同意让他去跟歌利亚打仗。Saul was impressed by David's courage and eventually agreed to let him fight Goliath.

歌利亚光顾着笑了,以至于他没有看到大卫放开了甩石袋的一头。Goliath was so busy laughing that he did not see David let go of one end of the sling.

中国销量第四大的运动服装品牌安踏是阿迪达斯的劲敌。Anta, China's fourth-largest sportswear brand by volume, is a David to Adidas's Goliath.

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他用以攻击歌利亚的武器是一个弹弓和一把竹杖,因为这就是他牧羊用的工具。He came at Goliath with a slingshot and staff because those were the tools of his trade.

美国独立战争是以小胜大,以弱胜强的典型战例。Is a big victory over the American Revolutionary War, the typical David and Goliath wars.

基本的土地坦克称为克星,并可能,是第一鸭血人类巨人。Basic land tank is called Nemesis, and, probably, it is the first Antipodes human Goliath.