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这是极为顶事、消解的方式。This is extremely effective and disarming.

只有解除嗔恨才可以达致和平。Only disarming our hatred can bring real peace.

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但是汤婷婷的真诚显而易见,消除了我戒心。But Kingston's sincerity is apparent and disarming.

在提华纳,军队行动以解除当地警察的武装为开端。In Tijuana, the military began by disarming the city’s police.

也许他们在刚做完爱之后就轻声打鼾,或者呈现出一副圆张着嘴的不设防模样。Maybe they snore right after sex. Or they make a disarming "o" face.

提利昂转向小格里夫对露出一个他能做出的最善意的微笑。Tyrion turned to Young Griff and gave the lad his most disarming smile.

西班牙人没有防备心的性格和自信使他非常的舒心。The Spaniard's disarming humility and confidence has brought him some joy.

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使你的‘客人’感到舒适与使他们不舒适同样可以解除他们的疑虑。Making your "guests" comfortable can be just as disarming as making them uncomfortable.

一种功能,防止擅自改变解除“锁定第一参数了。”A feature that prevents the altering of parameters without first disarming the "lock-out."

由于需要加热金属到很高温度,有时候在来不及拆除的时候就被引爆了。Because the metal is so hot, it can sometimes detonate the explosive instead of disarming it.

如今,要将圣主抵抗军完全缴械,就必须用金属探测器清扫数千英里的厚密丛林。Disarming the LRA today would mean sweeping thousands of miles of dense jungle with metal detectors.

它们也可以被用于检验桥梁、矿山、任何对于人而言太过密闭的空间以及用于拆除炸弹。They could also be used for inspecting bridges, mines, and any spaces too tight for humans, and for disarming bombs.

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以摆这样事实的方式听一位才华横溢的年轻女人谈论她的生殖能力,令人哭笑不得。It's rather disarming to hear a talented young woman talk about her reproductive ability in such a matter-of-fact manner.

他甚至屈从了她延长订婚期的愿望,因为她找到了解除争端的办法,使他放弃了尽快结婚的要求。He had even yielded to her wish for a long engagement, since she had found the one disarming answer to his plea for haste.

用家常文体的作家是以真诚的态度说话。他把他的弱点完全显露出来,所以他是从无防人之心的。A writer in the familiar style speaks in an unbuttoned mood. He completely exposes his weaknesses, and is therefore disarming.

最危险的地方在于通过放下武器、把战士们送到营房里去来解除人民解放军的武装。The most dangerous part of the deal is the disarming of the PLA by depositing the arms and placing the fighters in cantonments.

他整了一整鼻梁上的眼镜,这个姿态总使人有一种奇怪的亲切之感。With the curious, disarming friendliness that he always managed to put in to the gesture he resettled his spectacles on his nose.

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社会上的枪太多了,解除警察的武装应该是解除全体公民武装的一个自然组成部分。There are too many guns about, and the disarming of the police should be a natural aspect of the disarming of the entire citizenry.

另外我喜欢研究一些小的,与众不同的新鲜玩意儿像是自制捕兽夹之类的,这样就算我被缴了械也能有所作为。Plus I liked thinking up new, different, and innovative booby traps that could catch even those experienced in disarming techniques.

安东尼奥。迪。纳塔莱的受伤对我们来说是个沉重的打击,但我仍然相信阿莱克西斯。桑切斯,他可以让对手缴械投降。Losing Antonio Di Natale is a heavy blow, but I am putting a lot of faith in Alexis Sanchez. He can get past his man with disarming ease.