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胭脂香鹅是什么样的菜?What is the Carmine Goose like?

美丽的洋红色。Very beautiful carmine red color.

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胭脂红中含有丰富的钙和维生素E。Carmine is rich in calcium and vitamin E.

秋风给枫林涂抹胭红。The wind of the autumn colour the maples carmine.

她父亲,卡梅伦·马洛塔,死于六个半月前。Her father, Carmine Marotta, died six and a half years ago.

卡迈·福肯因为你认为你没有任何损失。Carmine Falcone Because you think you've got nothing to lose.

菜色深红,散发着浓浓的香味,吃起来甜咸适中。The dish is salty and sweet with the carmine color and great aroma.

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但是,在胭脂可能是对你有好处,我不认为是酪蛋白。But where carmine is probably good for you, I don't think casein is.

要事先准备好紫色沉淀,比如在洋红色沉淀中多加一些石灰。Purple lake is prepared like carmine lake with the addition of lime.

您点的是胭脂香鹅,芹菜加大蒜,连锅汤,对吗?So a carmine goose, a celery with garlic, a Lian Guo soup. Am I correct?

另外,猩红、红色和洋红色,能促进桃花运。Colors such as scarlet, red and carmine help in the promotion of love and romance.

在凌晨三点的路边,烟头为深红色的气氛里带来太多的欲望。At the roadside of wee hours, atmosphere of carmine dog-end brings her too much lust.

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有一个机会它是用胭脂红,但那是什么,你坐下来?There is a strong chance it was made with carmine . And what's that? Are you sitting down?

在佔据义大利南部港口那不勒斯卡尔米尼圣母教堂期间,一名小女孩抱著玩偶坐在教堂内。A girl holds a doll during the occupation of the Basilica del Carmine in Naples April 22, 2008.

梅兹尔说,大佛涂上胭脂红,小佛涂上多种颜色。The larger buddha was painted carmine red and the smaller one was multicolored, mr. melzl said.

「哪有什麽新技术?我经常上网看心理通报。」卡门开始生气了。"What new skills? I often read the Bulletin of Psychotherapy online. " Carmine was becoming angry.

用胭脂虫干体加工生产的胭脂红色素广泛地应用于食品、化妆品、制药业。Carmine produced from cochineal has been used widely in food, cosmetics and pharmaceutics industry.

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走廊的尽头就是主人的睡房,墙壁的洋红色成为睡房的主要特征。The end of corridor sleeps masterly namely room, of wall carmine become sleep the main feature of the room.

卡迈·福肯现在在他们面前,我无需迟疑一秒钟,就可以把你的脑袋砸烂。Carmine Falcone Now I wouldn't have a second's hesitation of blowing your head off right here in front of them.

对桔子粉中柠檬黄、胭脂红两种色素联合测定,其回收率分别为93。Lemon yellow and carmine in orange powder were simultaneously determinated with this method, the recovery rate was 93.