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再见埃伦。Ellen goodbye.

然后我说再见。Then I said goodbye.

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再见,我的心空。Goodbye my empty heart.

再见,吾爱,再见!Goodbye, my love, goodbye.

我是来说再见的曾挚爱的珎。I just come to say goodbye.

他打电话来说再见。He called in to say goodbye.

鸸羜总有一天我们都要说再见。One day we must say goodbye.

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那么,再见。后会有期。Well, goodbye. See you soon.

该是说再见的时候了。And it's time to say goodbye.

再见巴特,我走了。Goodbye Bartleby, I am going.

因此他没有道别就离开了。So he left without a goodbye.

但是现在我必须得跟你说再见了。But now I have to say goodbye.

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再见,祝你一路顺风。Goodbye and have a good flight.

谢谢你,小蜜蜂,再见。Thank you. Little bee, goodbye.

这是学年末。苏珊正要离开。她正向朱老师告别。She is saying goodbye to Mr Zhu.

向她道声晚安唱曲摇篮歌。Singing her goodbye and lullaby.

一见如故,再见陌路。At first sight, goodbye stranger.

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向爷爷摇手再见。Wave goodbye to your grandfather.

再见,谢谢您的惠临。goodbye and thank you for coming.

我再次谢过汉娜,道别。I thanked Hannah and said goodbye.