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以利亚对她说,把你儿子交给我。Give me your son,' Elijah replied.

以利亚以每秒三十二英尺的速度前来。Elijah thirtytwo feet per sec is com.

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圣约翰洗者被刻画得很像以利亚。John the Baptist is portrayed like Elijah.

尽管如此,神仍然眷顾伊莱贾,供应他的需要。Even so, God cared and provided for Elijah.

祂给以利亚一位朋友,并指派他一些工作。He gave Elijah a friend and something to do.

王说,这必是提斯比人以利亚。The king said, 'That was Elijah the Tishbite.'

我请求你,以利亚,向上帝求情宽恕我吧。Iplead with you, Elijah. Ask your God for forgiveness.

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雅利西,以利亚,细基利都是耶罗罕的儿子。Jaareshiah, Elijah and Zicri were the sons of Jeroham.

以利亚要升天了,而以利沙则必须留下。Elijah is going to heaven, and Elisha must stay behind.

以利亚对他们说,拿住巴力的先知,不容一人逃脱。Then Elijah commanded them, 'Seize the prophets of Baal.

以利亚是希伯莱圣经或旧约里的一位先知。Elijah is a prophet of the Hebrew Bible or Old Testament.

于是,以利亚离开那里走了,遇见沙法的儿子以利沙耕地。So Elijah went from there and found Elisha son of Shaphat.

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到了正午,以利亚嬉笑他们,说,大声求告吧。At noon Elijah began to taunt them. 'Shout louder!' he said.

耶和华的话临到提斯比人以利亚说。And the word of the LORD came to Elijah the Tishbite, saying.

伊莱贾曾大胆地向君王和统治者述说神的话。Elijah had spoken the Word of God boldly to kings and rulers.

现在你说,要去告诉你主人说,以利亚在这里。And now thou sayest, Go, tell thy lord, Behold, Elijah is here.

于是,王差遣五十夫长,带领五十人去见以利亚,他就上到以利亚那里。Then he sent to Elijah a captain with his company of fifty men.

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到1959年,马尔科姆和伊莱贾·穆罕默德之间的关系出现了裂缝。By 1959, fissures had emerged between Malcolm and Elijah Muhammad.

在表示欢迎的回复中,伊莱贾·穆罕默德在信封里还附上了五美元钞票。In a welcoming reply, Elijah Muhammad enclosed a five-dollar bill.

王第二次差遣一个五十夫长,带领五十人去见以利亚。At this the king sent to Elijah another captain with his fifty men.