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你知不知道拉腊为什么不在这?Any idea why Lara is not here?

准备让触及六个月与布赖恩拉腊2008年。Prepare to get hit for six with Brian Lara 2008.

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你的朋友和家人是怎样看待你这位劳拉·克劳馥的?。What do your friends and family think of you as Lara Croft ?

拉拉拉眼从她的背包,把它在阿伯内西。Lara pulls the Eye out of her backpack, throwing it at Abernethy.

维诺娜·莱德、希尔和劳拉·弗琳·波拉都是帕耶作品的爱好者。Winona Ryder, Seal and Lara Flynn Boyle are all fans of Payer's line.

并在2007年的意大利设计师朱西劳拉成为该公司的艺术总监。And in 2007 Italian designer Giusi Lara became art director of the company.

罗拉在此名次上挤掉了科特尼·考克斯和泰瑞·海切尔。Lara edges out Courtney Cox and Teri Hatcher for this position on the list.

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并且他会从此时底部劳拉的站位处复活。Then let Totec going to die. and from bottom Lara standing position reborn.

拉腊有五英尺六英寸,是个左撇子,他要面对的是五个英国投球手掷出的总共537个球,45小时的击球。A 5’6″ lefty, Lara faced 537 balls from five English bowlers and hit 45 fours.

布赖恩拉腊2008年,著名流派领先的板球比赛来再次移动。Brian Lara 2008, the acclaimed genre-leading cricket game comes again to mobile.

劳拉和她的轰动为后来的女性游戏角色铺好了道路。Lara Croft and her blockbuster franchise paved the way for female game characters.

劳拉和她的团队详细讨论了雇佣每一个应聘者所带来的机遇和挑战。Lara and her team talk about the risks and the opportunities of hiring each candidate.

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我了解,医生,劳拉说,而且西风承认,他,也,将会保持安静。I understand, Doctor, Lara said, and Westerly acknowledged that he, too, would keep quiet.

拉腊不仅获得了特立尼达岛的最高荣誉十字勋章,同时还获得了房产作为奖励。Besides receiving the Trinity Cross, Trinidad’s highest honor, Lara was also given real estate.

当然,最新的几个版本的图像堪称绝妙,Lara看起来更加美丽动人了。The newest versions, of course, have wonderful graphics, making Lara appear all the more lovely.

劳拉决定去拜访威尼斯和洛伦佐·德·梅蒂奇的宅邸,去找到这些联系。Lara decides to visit Venice and Lorenzo de Medici's manor to search for these Templar connections.

但在回来的旅程上,飞机失事掉进了深山老林,劳拉是唯一的幸存者。On her return trip however, the plane crashed deep within the mountains and Lara was the only survivor.

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在大学生拉拉当中,有半数以上者都表示,女生之间的同性恋是现在校园中的一种时尚。Lara among college students, more than half indicated that girls between homosexuality is now a fashionable campus.

受过不计其数的各种防卫训练的劳拉,比起任何男人都能更好进行防御,重要关头也不惧怕采取武力。Trained in numerous defence arts, Lara can fight better than any man and isn’t scared to get physical when it matters.

在她的母亲去世之后,劳拉由她的父亲——考古学家英国阿宾顿伯爵抚养和指导。After the death of her mother, Lara Croft is raised and mentored by her archaeologist father, Britain's Earl of Abbington.