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软件具有一般物质的客观实在性。It deems that software has the objective substantiality like general matters.

文本中,这一理想肉身的两个最重要侧面便是年轻性和实在性。Two important sides of the ideal body lie on the youthfulness and substantiality.

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必须从程序和实体两方面对死缓制度的适用进行控制。Must control the application of the death penalty with reprieve from the procedure and substantiality.

教育立法的价值可分为实体价值和程序价值。The values of educational legislation can compartmentalized to substantiality values and process values.

论文进入快速通道须遵循相应的实体条件和程序条件。It should follow corresponding condition of substantiality and formality when the manuscripts enter the fast passage.

或者为了在存在论上对主体的实体性做出解释而乞灵于辩证法。Or else dialectic has been called in for the purpose of Interpreting the substantiality of the subject ontologically.

也就是说,我们应该保持对意义的现象学态度。We should keep the phenomenological attitude to the substantiality of meanings, as well as the substantiality of matters.

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本章首先对337条款进行概述,然后分析了337条款的实体内容,第三节则对337条款的程序规则进行了详细的分析。We first generally introduce Section 337, and then it's substantiality contents. In subchapter 3 we analyze its procedural rules.

我国刑事诉讼法存在着“重实体,轻程序”和“重结果,轻过程”的问题。There exists the problem of " substantiality overweighing process" or "Result overweighing process" in Chinese Criminal Procedure Law.

目前派出所工作普遍存在“重实体、轻程序”的现象。However, there widely exists a phenomenon of regarding substantiality and depreciating procedure in the operation of police substations.

因为各行各业的人成群结队赶来接受商业教育,在中国对于MBA教育的质量和实质内容的关心不断增长。As people of all trades flock to get their business education, there is a growing concern about the quality and substantiality of the MBA education in China.

判决若是建立在以违反严格证明的事实认定的基础上时,必须从程序和实体两个层面上进行纠正和救济。If judgement is based on facts found through strengbeweis violation, it then must be corrected and remedied from both substantiality and procedure dimension.

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在考虑人为恐怖袭击行为情况下,采用地铁轨道区模型实体火灾试验研究了地铁轨道区的火灾场景。Taking into account the arson terrorism, the fire scenarios characteristic of subway fire had been studied by substantiality model of subway railway section.

试验检测数据是对工程实体的真实反映,也是监理指导、控制和评定工程质量的科学依据。Data of test is authentic reflection of engineering substantiality , and is the scientific gist of direct supervision, controlling and engineering quality assess.

其实对于“经验的实在性”问题的探讨,关于“经验的实在性的”的内涵、特点和时代价值的追寻,才能让我们找到真理的根基。In fact, inquire into "experiential substantiality", probe into its intension. Characteristic and era worth. Only this way we can find the foundation of the truth.

二元君主国家的王室外交,具有直接性、主导性、实质性和自主性,在其对外关系中起着主导作用。Royal diplomacy in dual monarchy countries, with the characteristics of directness, dominance, substantiality and independence, plays a leading role in their external relations.

本文认为信息建筑美学思想由注重实体研究的客观倾向转变为注重虚拟研究的非物质倾向,即传统“真实”概念的拓展及“虚”化。The dissertation deems that the study of architectural aesthetic conception are paying more attention to "virtual" and "immateriality", rather than "reality" and "substantiality".

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对此问题的价值选择,关系到实体真实与程序正当、控制犯罪与公民权利之间利益冲突的权衡和刑事诉讼目的的实现。The value choice is related to the reality of substantiality and the justice of procedure, also the balance between interest conflicts and crime control, the realization of the criminal lawsuit aim.

司法从本质上说是一种不完善的程序正义,其程序与程序所实现的实体是两个互相无法包容的价值体系。In essence, the administration of justice is a kind of imperfect procedural justice. The procedure itself and the substantiality materialized by the procedure belong to two contrasting value systems.