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舰上有一个图书馆。There is a library aboard.

引水员上了船。The pilot came aboard the ship.

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大家很快登上了飞机。Everyone was soon aboard the plane.

他们把大副的船吊到船上。They hoisted the mate's boat aboard.

英雄是光明磊落的人。A hero is the man who is above aboard.

这船上东西少得很。There's little enough aboard this ship.

这个事件震惊中外。This matter shocked both home and aboard.

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我们切不可带易燃物上车。We must not take combustible goods aboard.

他跑船在远洋线上担任医生。He shipped as doctor aboard an ocean liner.

昨天打电话的是您吗?Werent you aboard the call to me yesterday?

拜伦又回到了狭窄的“乌贼号”上。Byron was back aboard the cramped devilfish.

一艘破船上一群懦弱的船员?Frightened bilgerats aboard a derelict ship?

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他还想在此混下去。He still wants to reserve aboard mixing here.

在鹦鹉螺号上的食物全部是海货。The food aboard the Nautilus is all sea food.

欢迎乘豪华旅游车到南京。Welcome aboard the Luxury cruise bus to Nanjing.

克林顿总统,随时欢迎您大驾光临!President Clinton you are welcome aboard anytime!

为什么为耳在船上召开一个军事法庭?Why does Vere convene a court-martial aboard ship?

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如果你计划巡航,船上将有多少位水手?If you plan to cruise, how many crew may be aboard?

阿纳金看到克诺比在她的飞船上后,丧失理智。When Anakin saw Kenobi aboard her ship, he snapped.

空姐应浅笑面对机上的每一个旅客。A stewardess should smile to every passenger aboard.