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她毛绒绒的大尾巴摇摇。Her big furry tail shook.

有整圈的颈毛和毛茸茸的尾部。A circle of neck ruff and furry tail.

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我有一个巨大的长着毛皮的身躯。I am very large with a huge, furry body.

再画出它的一绺头发和毛茸茸的眉毛。Give him a tuft of hair and furry eyebrows.

谨以此纪念毕弗,我一生的宠物朋友。In memory of Biff, a furry friend to the end.

小猫头鹰抖了抖身上柔软的羽毛。Little Owl fluffs up his soft, furry feathers.

四只毛茸茸快乐嬉戏的的朋友,真好玩。Four furry friends frolicking feverishly for fun.

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里面盛满了毛茸茸的橙黑相间的小脸。The basket was full of furry orange-and-black faces.

毒漆树毛茸茸的藤条落得满地都是。Furry ropes of poison sumac veined across the ground.

这三个可爱的毛茸茸的圆球可都是从中国借来的。The three furry balls of cuteness are on loan from China.

他唯一的同伴是一个小毛皮森林居民——蒂克。His only companion was a small furry forest dweller, Teek.

他将这只毛绒绒生物的嘴巴贴向耳旁聆听著。Pressing the furry critter's snout to his ear, he listens.

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这个可爱,毛茸茸的熊猫就是中国研究院的标志。Ah, the cute, cuddly furry Panda is a symbol of Pax Sinica.

马格斯是一只棕色大长毛狗,当她高兴得时候她会摇尾巴。Mugsy is a big furry brown dog, who wiggles when she is happy.

口口和喉咙都会感觉干燥,声音嘶哑,通常还有恶心感。Mouth The mouth and throat feel dry, furry and generally disgusting.

像长毛象般大的圆球形羽毛状熔岩将会从天而降。Giants balls of furry lava the size of mammoths raining from the sky.

多数人都喜欢毛茸茸的可爱动物,不过夏侬却喜欢蛇与海龟。Most people like cute, furry pets, but Shannon likes snakes and turtles.

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飞行时腰部可见毛茸茸的白羽。Soft, furry , white feathers are visible around its belly when it flies.

我们吃的总是过量,而且喜欢留点特别好的东西给我们的宠物吃。We overfeed at meal times and tend to give titbits for our furry friends.

雏菊像是些毛茸茸的小珠儿,在微微的秋风中滚来滚去。Daisy like these furry little Pearl, in the autumn of slightly rolling on.