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绝大多数认为有罪。A pretty sizeable majority.

大多数人都站在本的一边。The majority were on Bens side.

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方是错的。The majority was wrong last time.

大多数的孤独症患者The majority of people with autism.

其中猪骨的数量最多。The majority of them being pig bones.

其中大部分是韩裔,and the majority of them are Koreans,

多数人到底有多大权力呢?How much power does the majority have?

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现任国会参院多数党领袖是谁?Who is the Senate Majority Leader now?

然而大多数人并不愿意为投票费心。Yet a majority of people don’t bother.

而其余大量的贷款还没有降低账面价值。But the vast majority of loans have not.

终审判决——多数原则The Final Decision —— The Majority Rules

那么多人选下呀Okay there's a massive majority for Down.

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大多数人都是讲英语。The majority of the people speak English.

多数是黑人或西班牙裔。The majority were either black or Hispanic.

因此,大部分的事情都由你来做。As a result you do the majority of the work.

他的意见代表大多数人的意见。His opinion represents that of the majority.

民主党在参议院以51比49的席位占微弱多数。Senate Democrats hold a slim 51-49 majority.

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亚洲人大部分是矮矮的。The Orient people majority are short person.

大部分的罹难者年龄在15到16岁不等。The majority of the victims were aged 15-16.

少数服从多数。The minority is subordinate to the majority.