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这是我的雨鞋。These are my boots.

穿上新棉靴。Get my new boots on.

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他脚登长筒靴。He is in long boots.

当然还包括牛仔靴。And also cowboy boots.

我找不到我的长统靴。I can't find my boots.

我穿长统靴出去的!I went out in my boots !

我的靴子是皮革制的。My boots are made of hide.

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1910年系带高跟女靴?The lace-up boots of 1910?

高跟鞋还是登山鞋?High heels or hiking boots?

我穿着这双靴子没法渡水。I can't wade in these boots.

没有这些宝石色调的靴子。Not these jewel-toned boots.

现在,即使是在股票启动光盘!Now boots even on stock ROMs!

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靴子踩在积雪上吱吱作响。Snow creaked under the boots.

过度的穿用已经磨损了这双靴子。Hard use has worn these boots.

他帮小猫做了一双靴子。He makes Puss a pair of boots.

去年,高筒靴就不流行了。High boots went out last year.

发牢骚毫无益处。It boots thee not to complain.

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即使是一双高筒靴也不要?Not even a pair of high boots?

仆人给他的靴子擦黑鞋油。The servant blacked his boots.

往欧洲出口雨鞋。Exporting rain boots to Europe.