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一个人应该怎样修行禅定?How does one practise samadhi?

口头说三昧。Paying lip service to samadhi.

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奢摩他禅定是一个层次。Samãdhi meditation is one level.

三摩地唯一的稳定不变的实相。Samadhi is the only stable unchanging Reality.

在无伺三昧中,心会变的纯粹。In reaching nirvichara samadhi the mind becomes pure.

但即使是这三支对无种三昧也没有直接帮助。But even these are not direct aids to the seedless Samadhi.

深深地跳入寻找本觉里面,通过三摩地去认识它。Dive deep in search of the Self and realize It through samadhi.

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摩诃三摩地是放弃物理身体的最终意识。Maha Samadhi is the final conscious abandoning of the physical body.

这是根本的三昧法,最究竟的密法。This is the ultimate method of samadhi and the most esoteric Dharma.

在世俗状态下他们是力量,但对于三昧它们是障碍。They are powers in the worldly state, but they are obstacles to Samadhi.

但从三昧中获得的知识更高级。But the knowledge which is gained from Samadhi is of a much higher order.

一些人不能明白他的三摩地,形容它是神经紧张的疾病。Some could not understand his samadhi and described it as a nervous malady.

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当所有的能量自如地超越,那么就能进入三摩地状态。When all these sheaths are transcended, we expand into the state of samadhi.

我的灵魂马上高飞到相对层面之上,我在三摩地中失去了自我。My spirit at once soared beyond the relative plane and I lost myself in samadhi.

这些修习将会引发“制感”,并最终把人导向内醒、静虑和三摩地。These practices will induce pratyahara and lead into dharana, dhyana and Samadhi.

这个咒固然是灵,但是定力也要修的。Although the mantra is definitely efficacious, still, you have to develop samadhi.

他的侄子利德这时候又开始向来访者讲述师父的三摩地。In the mean time Hriday, his nephew, began to describe his samadhi to the visitors.

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最终,这会导向一种三昧的状态或者说与神合一。Ultimately, this may result in the state of Samadhi or oneness with the Divine Self.

阿难。如是众生入三摩地,要先严持清净戒律。Ananda , beings who want to enter samadhi must first firmly uphold the pure precepts.

是诸众生求三摩提,当断世间五种辛菜。Beings who seek samadhi should refrain from eating five pungent plants of this world.