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我辗转漂到了省城。I turn to the provincial capital.

他是这么个土头土脑的家伙。He was such a provincial character.

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想成为一个省的警察首长吗?Want to be a provincial police chief?

1957年正式成立省博物馆。Provincial Museum was established in 1957.

获部、省厅级科研成果奖10多项。Won over 10 achievement of provincial level.

获省级科研成果奖3项。Won 3 achievement awards of provincial level.

辽宁省省会为沈阳。Shenyang is the provincial capital of Liaoning.

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两人都在Gander省级法庭出庭。Both men appeared in provincial court in Gander.

省级行政管理同样也是漆黑一团。Provincial administration was equally black spot.

我们房子的装饰风格富有法国地方色彩。Our house is decorated in French Provincial style.

繁峙臭冷杉省级自然保护区。Fanshi Abies nephrolepis Provincial Nature Reserve.

浦发生物科技有限公司是省级高新技术企业。Is a high-tech enterprises at the provincial level.

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多文化的伦敦战胜了思想偏狭的巴黎。Multi-cultural London triumphed over provincial Paris.

他的文章在省报上发表了。His articles are published on the provincial newspaper.

那年他被省城一所大学录取了。He was admitted to the university of provincial capital.

1992年于湖南省委党校大学专科毕业。He graduated from Hunan Provincial Party College in 1992.

副省长刘力伟主持会议。Vice- provincial governor Liu Li Wei chairs a conference.

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但杂志是假的,省级机关指控。But the journals were fake, provincial authorities allege.

在这些国家和地方级的营地里,生活细节方面怎样呢?And the niceties of national and provincial park campsites?

解放后三家祠堂都为供销社使用。After the liberation of all three provincial supply and use.