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玫瑰花在这个夏天开得真是分外美丽!That summer the roses flowered in unwonted beauty.

他的眼睛闪耀着一种不同寻常的光彩,他的嘴唇在颤动。There was an unwonted light in his eyes, and slight trembling of his lips.

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九十年代中国人口的文化素质提高速度之快是新中国成立以来少有的。The fast improvement in the people's educational level in the 1990s was unwonted since 1949.

海丝特说得不错,人们的脸上确实闪耀着非同凡响的欢乐。It was as Hester said, in regard to the unwonted jollity that brightened the faces of the people.

同时,达林太太在不寻常的寂静中打发孩子们上了床,点燃了夜灯。In the meantime Mrs. Darling had put the children to bed in unwonted silence and lit their night-lights.

在这里,虽然道德判断消失了,但是其图像的意义却以一种少有的当代性面貌呈现出来。Although the ethical judgment has disappeared, its pictorial meaning unfolds with an unwonted visage of modernism.

每天,当她从人们身边走过时,她可以听到成千百次粗鲁的声音为她祝福,可以看到严峻的面孔上浮现出罕见而温暖的微笑。A thousand times a day rough voices blessed heR, and smiles of unwonted softness stole over hard faces, as she passed.

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金牙姑姑进门的时候他正靠在床上吃饭。He was propped up in bed, and eating. When Gold Teeth opened the door, he stopped eating and blinked at the unwonted light.

同时,凭借着他换回士兵沙利特的决定,他还将意外地得到非宗教的以色列自由主义者的认同。Meanwhile, by dint of his decision on Sergeant Shalit, he is basking in the unwonted approval of secular, liberal Israelis.

一股安静神奇的力量催促着我去了解这些科学,去探索人们是如何发现这些科学的。I became gripped by a quiet, unwonted urge to know a little about these matters and to understand how people figured them out.

而疾病导致的脏腑气血变化或治疗失误又可引发异常情志。The movement of essence-qi stored in five-zang organs that disturbed by disease, or the error of therapy can induce unwonted emotions.

在最后的那几天,你告诉我说想一个人留在奉贤,当所有人都走的时候安静地享受她少有的宁静氛围。During the last days of semester, you said want to stay at Fengxian longer, enjoy the unwonted and peachful atmosphere when all students went away.

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厨房里的蚊蝇懒洋洋的,一点儿也不伯人,在没有人的地方爬来爬去,比如地板上、柜子上以及挤奶女工的手背上。The flies in the kitchen were lazy, teasing, and familiar, crawling about in unwonted places, on the floor, into drawers, and over the backs of the milkmaids' hands.

路上经过几座漂亮的房屋,珍妮心中就又触起日间因见旅馆中的新奇生活而萌动的那种朦胧的情绪。As they passed several fine houses Jennie was again touched by that half-defined emotion which the unwonted novelty of the hotel life had engendered in her consciousness.

谁曾想到,直到今天,这里还是“脆弱生态保护区”,石漠化严重,别说森林就是泥土都非常鲜见,随时可能消失。Nobody had known this was "the biologic form protective area" till today. Here will be disappeared at any moment because of landification and desolation, no forest, clay is unwonted.

在那面古老的灰色墙壁上,他又开始写上了和先前一样强烈的警示人的醒目字句,看上去既奇怪又不同寻常,这面墙以前从来没有让人写上什么,现在被写上了字,它仿佛有些痛苦。The old gray wall began to advertise a similar fiery lettering to the first, with a strange and unwonted mien, as if distressed at duties it had never before been called upon to perform.

而贝茵呢,来回忙碌着,一面把玩具收拾起来,将抽屉整理好,一面还不时地同我说两句少有的体贴话。Abbot, too, was sewing in another room, and Bessie, as she moved hither and thither, putting away toys and arranging drawers, addressed to me every now and then a word of unwonted kindness.