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机会难得,限时免费!Free just for limited time!

浙江医药股份有限公司。Hua Xia Bank Co. , Limited.

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限量版名车---车轮上的艺术,唯你独尊!Limited art of wheel for you!

名额有限,快“赞好”啦!"Like" quick, offer is limited.

我想搭特别快车去。I want to GO by limited express.

选择免费限制版本。Select the free limited edition.

这种影响仅限女人。The effect was limited to women.

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IRQ线是有限的资源。IRQ lines are a limited resource.

班级人数限定在20名以内。Class membership is limited to 20.

每月全国限量发行100张。Limited edition of the monthly 100.

安捷企业有限公司。Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited.

她是一个新教师。He is incharge of a limited company.

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下一班是特快车吗?Is the next train a limited express?

被束缚的仅仅是你的独创性!It’s limited only by your ingenuity!

但是布什总统今年的安排很有限。But this year his schedule is limited.

我们的自控力是有限的。Our supply of self-control is limited.

无论思想做什么都必定是受限的。Whatever thought does must be limited.

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连一只猫也只有屈指可数的几条命,何况人乎?Even a cat has limited number of lives.

名额有限,需预先订座。Limited Seats, Reservation is required.

每日数量有限,换完即止。Limited daily quota, while stocks last.