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对于诚信,那么,地貌工程。For trustworthiness, then, physiognomy works.

柴山充满丰富的林相、生态。Chaishan abounds lush forest physiognomy and ecosystem.

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其他地方的原始地貌已经得到恢复。The original physiognomy in other place are all be reinstated.

水土流失,其实是一种主要的侵蚀地貌演化过程。Water and soil loss is an important physiognomy evolution course.

有人就问他王莽的相貌好不好?Someone asked him, "What do you think of Wang Mang's physiognomy?"

坡折带是沉积地貌突变的古构造枢纽带。The slope-break zone is a pivotal zone of depositional physiognomy.

DEM模型能准确快速地反映区域的地形地貌特征,在低丘的治理中有着多层次的应用。DEM model can express the features of area landform and physiognomy fleetly and truly.

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我会尽全力让这支球队有一个涣然一新的面貌。”德尔。内里说到。I will charge myself with giving the right physiognomy to this team, " Del Neri said."

其次介绍了绥德隧道项目的基本情况,重点叙述了本项目的地形、地貌及气候特点。Secondly, we introduce the landform, physiognomy and climate of the Sui-De tunnel project.

当它们被带出海底的时候它们的外观有什么变化?How does the physiognomy of these organisms change when they are brought out of the depths?

本文介绍了河海地质地貌的智能分析系统。A intelligence system for the analysis of river and sea physiognomy is presented in this paper.

台地峡谷型岩溶地貌是湖南凤凰国家地质公园内特有的岩溶地貌。Mesa-canyon karst physiognomy is a peculiar one first discovered in Fenghuang National Geopark.

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他受相面法和­社会达尔文主义的理论影响甚深。His works were deeply influenced by physiognomy and other theories elaborated by social darwinism.

我们把那件事谈出来是要让读者在思想上对那个修院的面貌有个全面的认识。We mention the fact for the sake of completing the physiognomy of the convent in the reader's mind.

英吉苏凹陷是一发育于早古生代剥蚀地貌背景上的中新生代断—坳型沉积盆地。Yingjisu depression is a break-sinking basin that was developed on the low-Paleozoic denudation physiognomy.

她说,她那不祥的外貌象是给这座住宅的欣欣向荣的气氛投上了一层阴影。" said she, while her ill-omened physiognomy seemed to cast a shadow over the cheerful newness of the house.

从他的姿势和面容上显露出来的,仅仅是一种奇特的犹豫神情。The only thing which was clearly to be inferred from his attitude and his physiognomy was a strange indecision.

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“天斧沙宫”是兰州市安宁区一处壮美奇险、旅游开发前景广阔的丹霞地貌景观。Tianfusagong in Lanzhou City is the landscape of Danxia physiognomy with a golden future in tourism development.

海峰湿地是在高原上由喀斯特地貌发育形成的永久性淡水湖类型湿地。Haifeng wetland developed and formed form karsts physiognomy belongs to the permanent fresh water lake type wetland.

应用样方调查方法,对祁连山圆柏群落外貌和结构进行研究。In this paper, the physiognomy and the structure of Sabina przewalskii community were studied by sample plot method.