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伦敦是个天花筒般的世界。London is a kaleidoscopic world.

也许我失去了爱情,还有我万花筒般的翅膀。Perhaps I am lost in love , I have kaleidoscopic wings.

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思想显现为光和声的万花筒般的图案。Thoughts appear as kaleidoscopic patterns of light and sound.

它那系列的、多变的画面迫使我们跟着它转。Its serial, kaleidoscopic exposures force us to follow its lead.

在中国`99昆明世博会184天的会期中,将举行一系列丰富多彩的活动。During the 184 days of Expo '99, kaleidoscopic activities will be held.

我们提出您新的耐克妇女的法院力量“鞋带万花筒”组装。We present you the new Nike womens Court Force "Laces Kaleidoscopic" pack.

燃烧的火圈和深橘色的火炬映照着这个缤纷炫丽的场景。Flaming hoops and torches added deep orange flashes to the kaleidoscopic scene.

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他们常见的回答读起来像是关于我们亦邪亦正的特性的万花筒。Their most frequent responses read like a kaleidoscopic view of our best and worst attributes

我们期待着各国人民享受丰富多彩文化生活的那一天的到来。We are looking forward to the day when people of all nations enjoy a kaleidoscopic cultural life.

在那个殖民地,行政官员调换频繁,就像走马灯似的。The transfer of administrative personnel in that colony was so frequent as to create a kaleidoscopic effect.

据我了解,望远镜最初收到那些图像只不过是奇幻色彩和光亮的迸发。From what I understand, the first images it received were nothing more than kaleidoscopic bursts of color and light.

我还特别痴迷于那些金发碧眼女郎做的色彩斑斓斑点式的头发,就像小动物的鬓毛。I'm particularly fascinated by that streaky kaleidoscopic thing some blondes do that looks kind of like Hair of Fawn.

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我特别惊叹于那种斑斑点点五花八门的东西,一些金发女人用了后看起来像梅花鹿的毛。I’m particularly fascinated by that streaky kaleidoscopic thing some blondes do that looks kind of like Hair of Fawn.

我轻叩着玻璃,而且我认为我看见了屋里有东西在移动,如万花筒般在晃动的身影,但是我不敢确定。I rapped at the glass and thought I saw movement within, a kaleidoscopic shifting of shadowy forms, but couldn’t be sure.

金属般面料就像到了未来的春天,千变万化的模式,以及未来的勇士。It's back to the future for Spring with metallic fabrics, kaleidoscopic patterns, and the return of the futuristic warrior.

酒店建筑外立面包覆波纹状的反光玻璃幕墙,以创造变幻莫测的光影潮流。The hotel tower is clad in rippled, reflective-glass, which is designed to scatter and reflect light in kaleidoscopic fashion.

水晶效果功能微距摄影美丽的两极分化日益冰晶与千变万化的影响彩虹的颜色。Crystal Effects features beautiful polarized macro photography of growing ice crystals with kaleidoscopic effects in a rainbow of colors.

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蓝白相间的瓷碎片通过蓝白色线条和绘画搭配产生千变万化的效果。The porcelain shards produce a kaleidoscopic effect induced by the calligraphic and painterly designs in hues of cobalt blue and kaolin white.

这些生动的千变万化车轮显示功能惊人的辉煌色彩和高速运动都围绕着一个单一的联络点。These vivid kaleidoscopic wheels feature astounding displays of brilliant color and high speed movement all centered around a single focal point.

在不到一个小时的时间里,他看到“一连串不连续的奇异画面,各种出奇怪异的图形,和千变万化的颜色。”Within an hour, Hoffman saw "an uninterrupted stream of fantastic pictures, extraordinary shapes with intense, kaleidoscopic play of colors, " as he later wrote.