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于是我便一直注视着朦胧的白窗帘。I stare at filmy white curtain.

他朦胧的眼中闪出骄傲的光芒。He flashed pride from filmy eyes.

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你是我梦中记忆的朦胧。A filmy memory you are in my dream.

于是我便一直注视着朦胧的白窗帘。I stare at the filmy white curtain.

视物模糊。Cloudy, fuzzy, foggy, or filmy vision.

适用于以聚乙烯为内层的复合薄膜袋的自动封口。It is applicable to auto-seal of compound filmy bag.

她卷起了百叶帘,我盯着那薄薄的白窗帘,盼着它能飘起来。I stare at the filmy white curtain, willing it to flutter.

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尝试与一个朋友,并与朦胧的阴影实验这一点。Try this with a friend and experiment with the filmy shadows.

无溶剂配方使得它擦拭起来非常方便且不会留下痕迹。A solvent-free formulation that provides wipe-away convenience with no filmy residue.

潜入心灵的羽蛾生着薄雾的双翅,在夕阳的天际做着永诀的飞舞。Mind's understand moths grow filmy wings and take a farewell flight in the sunset sky.

心灵的飞蛾长着稀薄的羽翼在落日的天空中作别离的飞翔。Mind's underground moths grow filmy wings and take a farewell flight in the sunset sky.

生着轻薄纱翼的心之蛾,在落日洒金的碧落中漫舞着离愁。Mind’s underground moths grow filmy wings and take a farewell flight in the sunset sky.

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她把百叶窗拉了起来,于是我就一直注视着朦胧的白窗帘,等待它的飘动。She cranks up the Vanetian Blinds. I stare at the filmy white curtain, willing it to flutter.

她拉起了威尼斯百叶窗,我盯着朦胧的白色窗帘,期盼着它飘动。She cranks up the Vanetian blinds. I stare at the filmy white curtain, willing it to flutter.

她把百叶窗帘卷起来,我盯着白色窗帘,希望它能摆动起来。She cranks up the Venetian blinds. I stare at the filmy white curtain, willing it to flutter.

她把百叶窗拉了起来,于是我便一直注视着朦胧的白窗帘,等待它的飘动。She cranks up the Venetian blinds . I stare at the filmy white curtain, willing it to flutter.

就海卫一来说,夏季的太阳使表面上薄薄的一层冻结的一氧化碳升华为气体。In Triton's case, the summer sun sublimates a filmy surface layer of frozen carbon monoxide into gas.

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它们在黑木海的浅滩大量繁殖,成为那个地区的优势物种。They have infested the shallow filmy brine of the Ebon Sea, becoming the dominant predator of the area.

她把百叶窗拉了起来,于是我就一直注视着朦胧的白窗帘,等待它的飘动。She cranks up the Vanetian Blinds. I stare at the filmy white curtain, mercurial, willing it to flutter.

他朝我回过身来,两只醉意朦胧的眼睛水汪汪的盯着我。He turned towards me, and looked into my eves with two filmy orbs that distilled the rheum of intoxication.